- SORASHIGE BOOK9/25 OA, a liberal translation
http://shige-nana.cocolog-nifty.com/0711/2011/09/sorashige-boo-2.html 10/5 (the water) from every week with [terehi] ゙ Tokyo system 27: 05~27: 40 [tsu] [te] you say,… to be plugged, 3: Don't you think? 05 10/5 (l'eau) de chaque semaine avec [le 27:05 ~27 de système de Tokyo de ゙ de terehi] : 40 [tsu] [te] que vous dites,… d'être branché, 3 : Ne pensez-vous pas ? 05
- It makes the storm and the [re] ♯58
http://arashak.jugem.jp/?eid=1553 2011.08.07 sunday - 21:43 - - by [aya, a liberal translation 2011.08.07 dimanche - 21:43 - - près [aya
- “The free tar, the house is bought. Special”, a liberal translation
http://aoiyugure.blog62.fc2.com/blog-entry-754.html 2011.10.05 *wed 2011.10.05 *wed
- Para traducir la conversacion en Japon.
http://yasudacksk.blog72.fc2.com/blog-entry-624.html 2011/05/2809: 09 O que voce esta procurando informacoes sobre o Japao encontrado.
- Japanese weblog
http://tamiko.blog1.fc2.com/blog-entry-390.html 2005.05.14 (sat) 2005.05.14 (reposé)
- original letters
http://ameblo.jp/tv-dramatic/entry-10740625328.html 2010 October 19th - December Tuesday 21: 00 - The 21:54 (54 minutes) production bureau Fuji Telecasting Co. joint television production Kono 圭 thickly castle treasure 秀 rule the original - the Arikawa Hiroshi “free tar, the house is bought, a liberal translation 19 octobre 2010 - décembre le mardi 21 : 00 - Le bureau Fuji de production de 21:54 (54 minutes) télédiffusant la règle commune de 秀 de trésor de château de 圭 de Kono de production de télévision de Cie. abondamment l'original - du goudron libre d'Arikawa Hiroshi « , la maison est acheté
- Japanese talking
http://himezakura.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-05-31-6 2010-06- 114: 39 nice! (1) 2010-06- 114:39 gentil ! (1)
- weblog title
http://himezakura.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-06-07-4 2010-06- 814: 39 nice! (0) 2010-06- 814:39 gentil ! (0)
- 実写版に思う その35 のだめカンタービレ
http://24jixijixi.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2009-12-20 2009-12- 2017: 30 nice! (1) 2009-12- 2017:30 gentil ! (1)
- 感想:スペシャルドラマ「のだめカンタービレ in ヨーロッパ」完結への序章〜第1夜 指揮コン決戦*ネタバレあり
http://himezakura.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2009-12-21-4 2009-12- 2211: 31 nice! (0) 2009-12- 2211:31 gentil ! (0)
- 映画監督としての次回...
http://818233.blog66.fc2.com/blog-entry-61.html 2009/10/23 (fri) 05:17 not yet classification 2009/10/23 classification de 05:17 (de fri) pas encore
- 感想:ドラマ「のだめカンタービレ」第3話 弱小オケ大ピンチ!!愛は貧乏を救えるか*ネタバレあり
http://himezakura.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2009-12-10-6 2009-12- 1115: 37 nice! (0) 2009-12- 1115:37 gentil ! (0)
- 感想:ドラマ「のだめカンタービレ」第4話 キス成るか!?感動の定期演奏会バトル!!*ネタバレあり
http://himezakura.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2009-12-11-8 2009-12- 1123: 57 nice! (0) 2009-12- 1123:57 gentil ! (0)
Takenaka Naoto, Entertainment, Drama,