- 9 Palestinian protestors injured in clash with Israelis in West Bank
http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90777/90854/6911206.html Gassin Daghlas, anti-settlement activities, five Palestinians, according to one, Fold Jewish settlements in Palestinian villages in the conflict when. Villagers near the city of Nablus in the northern West Bank were injured in the eruption, in return, the settlers are throwing stones, the latter is called to distribute the Palestinians Israeli troops Gassin Daghlas, anti-activités de colonisation, cinq Palestiniens, selon lu0026#39;un, pliez les colonies juives dans des villages palestiniens dans le conflit quand.噴火が負傷したヨルダン川西岸地区の北の近くにナブルス市の村人、戻り値では、入植者は、石を投げ、後者はパレスチナ人を分散するイスラエル軍と呼ばれる
- Hamas, Fatah prisoners reconcile in Israeli prison
http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90777/90854/6911201.html According to a statement from human rights groups and Palestinian prisoners, Palestinian West Bank city will be sent to the media Selon une déclaration de groupes des droits de lu0026#39;homme et des prisonniers palestiniens, palestiniens ville de Cisjordanie seront envoyés aux médias
- Hamas calls off urgent PLC session after ban on lawmakers
http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90777/90854/6905523.html Hamas, however, after the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) is a member of the emergency session canceled any attempt settlement of the Palestinian Hamas decided to open an emergency meeting Wednesday for the West Bank and Gaza Strip In order to achieve the purpose, according to Block, are ignoring the ban Toutefois, le Hamas après le Conseil législatif palestinien (CLP) est membre de la session du0026#39;urgence a annulé un règlement tentative du Hamas palestinien a décidé du0026#39;ouvrir une réunion du0026#39;urgence mercredi pour la Cisjordanie et la bande de Gaza Afin du0026#39;atteindre lu0026#39;objectif, après Block, font fi de lu0026#39;interdiction
- Palestinian protestors dismantle parts of West Bank barrier
http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90777/90854/6896964.html The case is the West Bank city Lu0026#39;affaire est la ville la Cisjordanie
- Israeli army arrests 15 Palestinians in West Bank
http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90777/90854/6896070.html Israeli military spokesman said in a statement, the failure of Israelu0026#39;s northern cities in the West Bank the Israeli army in Jenin, West announced the arrest of three Palestinians two Porte-parole militaire israélien a déclaré dans un communiqué, lu0026#39;échec des villes du nord du0026#39;Israël en Cisjordanie, lu0026#39;armée israélienne à Jénine, à lu0026#39;ouest ont annoncé lu0026#39;arrestation de trois Palestiniens deux
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