- Britain denies foreknowledge of Dubai assassination
http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90777/90853/6897436.html (Xinhua Finance / The Bassem Mohammed). . u0026amp; $. . u0026amp; $ off British Foreign Commonwealth ... (Xinhua Finance / Mohammed Bassem). . u0026amp; $. . u0026amp; $ de rabais britannique des Affaires étrangères du Commonwealth ...
- Palestinians in Damascus protest Israelu0026#39;s shrine plan
http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90777/90854/6904020.html Palestinian protesters (Xinhua Finance / Mamoun Wazwaz )u0026amp;$u0026amp;$ Sun gathered at the Yarmouk 100 ... Manifestants palestiniens (Xinhua Finance / Mamoun Wazwaz )u0026amp;$u0026amp;$ dim. réunis à la Yarmouk 100 ...
- Palestinians vow to continue protests until separation wall removed
http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90777/90854/6894876.html Ratebuabu Rahma, member with the most popular, despite changing the route of the wall, swore Committee, the Xinhua Finance said, an official of Israel s civil administration, which was built on land in the village Ta old wall, the b is to resist the Israeli wall that connects the protesters ... Ratebuabu Rahma, membre, avec le plus populaire, en dépit de la modification du tracé du mur, jura Comité, la Commission financière selon Xinhua, un responsable de l administration civile israélienne, qui a été construit sur des terres dans le village Ta vieille muraille, la B est de résister le mur israélien qui relie les manifestants ...
Palestin, Reportage, Politics ,