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○■ Summit meeting, the Ukrai nian and Canada eve same. The communique promising the fact that the task planning which accompanies that is not formed with Washington meeting, unbounded, the call origin. There is no insistence for managing whose stock is better
○■ He develops the portion o f the Polish missile defensive seal, that security of that country for Russia probably will be is strengthened you insisted this, approached Washington
○■ The highly enriched urani um fuel which last month, in the Chilean US.The summit [obama] pursues the extinction of the nuclear weapon 1 years ago which were called, everything passed from that research reactor is shipped, goal of 4 years because vulnerability of the fissile material guarantees storing is set
○■ Ukrainian parliament rati fied ON Tuesday an agreement to prolong the stay of the Russian navy in Ukraine's port of Sevastopol until 2042.
The agreement was supported by 236 lawmakers in the 450-member assembly.
Last week and Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and his Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev signed the deal in the eastern Ukrainian city Kharkiv.
Russia agreed to give Ukraine a significant discount ON the price of imported gas in exchange for an extension of the right to base… As for the Ukrainian national assembly in navy judging. Until Tuesday agreement of the Russian stay is extended, agreement of the Ukrainian 2042 inches of [sevuasutopori] of port the member of the assembly - 236 Assemblyman last week with the support which is in 450, [medobejiehuroshiaharikohu] of Ukrainian president [yanukobitsuchi] and that Russia
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