0 .
○■ 大統領選挙
○■ 2011 年 nen touzen と え toie ば だ が 年 nen の maenotosi だ
○■ saisyo < 貞節 teisetu > mie
○■ 候補者 kouhosya 当選 者 tousensya はじめ から kimaxtu て 選 sen 挙って kozotte そんな もの だ から
○■ eigo も 否定 hitei 表 現 hyougen と 一緒 issyo う
○■ さてさて wadai kawaxt u て
○■ 「 taibutu ハドヤ 「 misageru が でき ない 所 tokoro nigeyo う kokoro kogareru kokoro
○■ ( 新 sin hana ファ ナンス ロイター 写真 syasin 日曜日 nitiyoubi syou 。 。 0026 amp $ 。 。 0026 amp $ よれ ば 一時的 itiziteki な touhyou 結果 kekka 発表 happyou gensyoku の 大統領 daitouryou ハインツ touhyou 78.9 の 約 yaku 大統領 daitouryou senkyo ウォン
○■ These are a Lots of Jap anese the most recent topics.
○■ イラン 大統領選 da itouryousen アハマディネジャド 大統領 daitouryou が 勝利 syouri
○■ We're presenting to tran slate japanese sentences into multiple languages for multilingual communication.
○■ opinion piece , evaluati on / appreciation , suggestions, discussion, debate, issues, reviews, thoughts, feedback,
○■ It offers Japanese Topic s, Trends, Subjects and Recent theme in English.
○■ It offers the fresh talk ings of Japanese directly.
○■ This sentences has trans lated into English and Japanese sentences are linked.
○■ Did you find the informa tion you're looking for? This person may know the things that you want to know.
○■ ZAGREB (Reuters) - An opp osition candidate who pledges to fight corruption -- a crucial issue in Croatia's bid for European Union membership -- looks likely to win the country's presidential election runoff ballot ON Sunday.
[zagurebu] (Reuters) - someone becomes corrupted - important problem is visible pledge and opposition party candidacy with the European Union participation Croatia bid - Sunday, the possibility of acquiring the runoff primary of Presidential election of that country
Presidential election,