- [rirudavuaru
http://pristknight.cocolog-nifty.com/game/2010/03/post-4e96.html It is [rirudavuaru] ([atsugunesutakion] product scene)
- Everyday cup 2010.03.27 view
http://tono.way-nifty.com/tono/2010/03/20100327-3d04.html You think that it is the dispute 7 above the [rirudavuaruzataikidanonshiyanteirurashitsupumitsukidorimumitsushiyonmodokosumoherenosu], (it is what, it is half or more ......
- Everyday the cup
http://zubuzubu.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/03/post-8e72.html As for the grandmother of [danonshiyantei] as for the grandmother of mother [rirudavuaru] of the worldwide kind male horse, [shingusupiru] and [rai] with glorious song [uindoinhahea], the mother of knowing deep impact
Rurashippu, Gamble,