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    Soviet Union,

    Politics related words Communist Party Ukraine Communism Former Soviet Union Chernobyl

    • O que voce esta procurando informacoes sobre o Japao encontrado.
      O que voce esta procurando informacoes sobre o Japao encontrado.

    • Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
      Assunto para a traducao japonesa.

    • http://ameblo.jp/murrumbidgee/entry-11284177750.html
      These are talking of Japanese blogoholic.

    • http://mdk111.at.webry.info/201206/article_1.html
      It offers Japanese Trend , bandwagons , epidemic and Recent fashion in English.

    • Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.
      Para traducir la conversacion en Japon.

    • These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.
      Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.

    • http://futakoburakuda.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/2680453/
      Para obtener mas informacion, pregunte a los bloggers a enlazar.

    • ooinaru hikari no kuroi kage
      Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.

    • chierunobuiri no genjou
      These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.

    • imasara kan noaru �ףԣ� kamei no roshia �� boueki de ikioi wo masu noka ��
      Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.

    • May be linked to more detailed information..
      Para traducir la conversacion en Japon.

    • kekkon juku ��������
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    • sen shima rettou wo tori maku rekishi wo kangae temita ��
      O que voce esta procurando informacoes sobre o Japao encontrado.

    • konnichiha nanno nichi �� gatsu ���� nichi ������ hageyama no ichiya �� yama de mamono ga oosawagi
      Para obtener mas informacion, pregunte a los bloggers a enlazar.

    • konnichiha nanno nichi �� gatsu ���� nichi �� koibito no nichi
      Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.

    • 守卫
      Beaucoup de sujets d'actualite au Japon Japanese talking

    • #833 i не хотят изменение мир
      Examen, evaluation, le resume , please visit the following link

    • As for snapping turtle to blacklist
      [derasutsuponto] being the case that it is said, America at the time of the nationalization of gm, don't you think? ussa it seems that is bantered and the sale of the w European currency which is the Soviet federation with [be] [e] [maji] is hard, is perhaps doing, it hides and can carry out unless? If America is all right, not to buy the European currency, also the viewpoint that it is, also the [te] is good, it did, is, because still such a subject has not come up, whether timewise prematureness well, it probably means that political insecurity of England is strong

    • 您挑战到4把夜袭步枪对南部
      Examen, evaluacion y resumen , Feel free to link

    • Sugihara生活一千个土坎和签证  -----超出西伯利亚-----
      ‘超出Sugihara一千个土坎和签证-生活西伯利亚, -’寿。 2007 Sugihara人Osamu的一千个土坎(拍摄) /sunrise出版物首先结婚是Judean类型的俄国人,一定认为事的您那一个,它大概设法抢救Judean人我认为......在手的Sugihara的签证,追踪瞄准往远东旅行的...... whichIs樱桃树甚而在是的立陶宛Judean人民的脚印,种类下面, “”引文“2003年,至于为立陶宛樱桃树,寂静它它开了花的脆弱,但是几个轮子,最终从前盛开樱桃树的花,成为摸索和平的我们的指南我们希望相信天的逗人喜爱的花,当它outblooms来时”, 1991年,从苏联联盟,立陶宛独立的这次,在您可能做路被选定“[sugihara]”,名字的2,139被记录说纪念碑也被修建了, [sugihararisuto] (外交部外交档案仓库)的10月2001日有照片复制本文,茄子京都清水寺庙老领事豪宅的cowAs在是“Sugihara记念的豪宅的”,纪念品图片索引索引索引抽奖

    • Aux 37 Potsdam de la mémoire de l'Européen errant voyageant
      Essa opiniao , Japanese talking

    • Japanese talking
      [Usabitsuchi] [tsu] [te] sabendo, aumenta!? [A] é fazer, hoje pela primeira vez você soube, sorriso de Ω [qui] [ya] oral [ya] é engraçado!! protagonista de 2 coelhos (?)Mas que quanto para a 1 se atroz atroz [tsu] [te], imortalidade? 1 você provavelmente sorrirá dança encantadora porque nonchalantly* que ri - sumário - diária agradável que 2 coelhos e esse companheiro que o compromisso é feito unfold, expressão original do cg e a impressão do ritmo, com sentido do riso extravagante [dodabata] e [shiyuru] do estilo que é prendido! 1961 estágios quebram a prisão e podem rir, na estação 1 do russo da vida federal soviética da prisão da era, na estação 2 o jogo pelo carro, estação 3 do vôo que passa o jogo do vôo, o jogo [do dodabata] com o esconderijo da máfia que chega já verdadeiramente e, ele são encantadores e, às vezes a crueldade… que você vê mesmo com riso e o youtube [com referência a] [ru] é com esse que se transforma matéria de interesse [faça] [u], tentam por favor inspecionar o ^□^v

    • C'est disque vert de jour de gouttières de 猴
      Au jeu il semble que il sort, 碧 qu'il est et dans le ciel, 翩翻 avec le drapeau rouge [tsu] [le te] qui flotte, est-il et est-ce que drapeaux nationaux de dix-millièmes d'utilisations sans il y a année c'est lui éteindront probablement, peut-être, ainsi il remplace et n'est pas frotté mais ne pensez-vous pas ? quand vous voyez après un long temps à l'endroit, après toute la bonne conception et tout en il y a un impact de combinaison rouge et jaune, simple également la faucille et le marteau et l'étoile qui sont traduits en conception quant au drapeau d'impressionnant éteignant cette conception, le drapeau national de la fédération soviétique - selon le wikipedia, quant à la notion qui là où peut-être de 1980 91 ans le dernier drapeau national il semble le 3ème mineur qu'il a été changé en 1980 inTen mille tetron de drapeau national qui sont probablement quelque chose qui ont été produits, était (grande) rame vendue. Bien qu'elle soit vendue avec de la corde attachant la suite nationale de moustique de la longueur totale 12.5m20, quand ils sont les drapeaux nationaux de dix-millièmes généraux qui est la Russie, manière environ 20 - 30 pays elle est choisie généralement, mais, la base du choix qu'elle est ou, aux drapeaux nationaux de dix-millièmes d'endroit pourquoi, et atteint le point où quand du temps elle est décorée dans le jeu, quand elle essaye de rechercher, l'ombre de l'exposition internationale. La théorie (drapeaux nationaux de dix-millièmes - wikipedia) est trouvée, mais quant au jeu de kana d'autorité et aux temps modernes japonais qui ont été enregistrés avant le ↓ qui n'est pas énoncé clairement (la bibliothèque de société bleue d'arc) l'auteur : Histoire de section de Tosiya Yoshimi, de Hirata, 克 d'admission, océan Saburo Sirahata, la bonne chance de Kimura après et papier. Éditeur/fabricant de Masako : Jour bleu de vente de société d'arc : 1999/12 de médias : ? Vous regardez des détails avec amazon.co.jp

    • Vagem do Bi- para [doragunohu
      Você verific que está exibido a determinado leilão diversos anos há, mas recentemente autêntico e [pachi] que é o vagem do bi- para [o doragunohu] que isso tem parado de em seguida olhar a forma do formulário completamente que é ele para alcangar o ponto onde circula simultaneamente, melhor caloso é algum dia provavelmente ambo que? Quando você supor do preço, não havia nenhuma coisa que pode observar o autêntico que você pensa que igualmente o 〝[pachi] é o〟, é completamente, mas com a vista da fotografia, afrouxando o parafuso do botão grande que faz verdadeiramente bom, a menos que puxando o〟 pequeno do cogumelo do 〝goste do botão do lado, você ajusta-o desenvolve o pé que fecha, fechando-se para dentro, você abre o ajuste do comprimento do pé que você instala à parte dianteira do receptor e para e mas você remove o um pé das peças metálicas, você estende um lado uma vez um pouco, a cena redonda como a batida da parte dirigindo para dentro, é a estrutura onde o programa que não pode fim da coisa está em toda mau, mas o tipo velho que é usado do bi-Aqui federal soviético da era da parte dianteira do receptor que é gosto que do vagem é com neste dente. Firme após o 噛 que pode aumentar, o vagem do bi- para o ak que você instala no tambor que aperta o parafuso diretamente os conspiradores é a silhueta que é diferente

    • Во первых от японской передачи передача зарубежной страны - Москва -
      I посылая получая рапорт для the first time, то время когда те где карточка получена эта республика настоящего момента карточки русская которая все еще советское федерирование, было передачой Москва, после посылки рапорта который получен с радио которое может получить короткую волну которой все еще, I младшего студента средней школы получает от отца карточку которую 1 лет окончательно можно получить этому которое вспоминает что оно очень восхитительно было всеми стартами, тогда [сделайте] [tsu] [pu] [ri] оно держало использовать на некоторое время в bcl

    • 水星[retsudosuton
      kanji character , Japanese talking

    • Американские люди где сознавание кризиса нуждается
      issue , please visit the following link

    • Commencement
      Now, the Vancouver Olympics commencing, the player where admission march is continued is a country just of one person, is the place 220, in order the countries which such as [berarushi] republic which is various from old Soviet federation become independent the large quantity for the dress of European countries which have come out to be sense, therefore now when you think, Jamaica as for 94 human guidons where the next is Japan ever since Okazaki previous [inabaua], this time some drama probably will be born? Yesterday when red and black and blue and white glow in Hikami, the one of the players crashing to the iron prop while practicing, you died, the players of other country which is the sad thing where, the player of that country which seems attaching everyone mourning badge, has done harsh expression clear up and are dizzy in the stage and America, Canada, Germany and north Europe which drop the smile are strong, but will Japan whose also China is strong the hand probably reach in the medal? While thinking that it does not have point it was 12 where it has observed in admission march o'clock

    • Stalin deathday
      A fonte: O general secretária o primeiro partido comunista federal soviético de Japão desse tempo quando igualmente é bom e provavelmente deverá peep com a vida do ditador que é devotado ao esforço para a supremacia que é Stalin famoso se enciclopédia livre “[uikipedeia] (wikipedia)” hoje de Stalin do иосифсталин [yoshihu] de deathday (en: secretária geral do partido comunista da União Soviética) era [georugi] [marenkohu

    • „Das Konzert 2010.4.4- [anibasari] drängelnd, das nicht Titel hat“! Der Musikkreis 2010
      Der Komponist, der 2010 im Musikkreis die Einleitung des Themas nacheinander wird, die Stein, den berühmten Komponisten brennt, der wie Schumann Jahrestag und Militärangelegenheiten volles Tetsu erreicht, das viele ist, welche die Eigenschaft ihre typische Melodie dieses Jahres jeder durchführen, hat den Standard mit nur Melodie, wurde gehört, wenn sehr angenehmes Gefühl „[suravua]“, der Cellistleiter des alten sowjetischen Bundesabsolvent ist, den Sie den Ausdruck des Zärtlichkeitmusikals von [musuteisurahu] [reoporidovuichi] [rosutoropovuichi] erwähnen, den der „Ton von Musik“ eben dem Vorsitzenden Honma steht, das Lied auch zur Geburt 80 Jahr Stravinski Ansagen-Militärangelegenheiten volles Tetsu erkannt wird, es viel Chopin das berühmte Musikal ist Arbeit der Komponistgitarre die und trägt ähnlich Geburt 200 Jahr Schumann Sado ein, das, wie Leiterthemamelodie, die es wählt, die Melodie die Schumann die 3. Bewegung m1 „der Symphonie 2.“, die Stein „[suravua, brennt]!“ m2o [hamasutain] 2 Welt „Ton Musik“ Gemisch m3-Militärangelegenheiten der vollen Tetsu Anordnung [renon] = [matsukatoni] „[iesutadei]“ m4 Schumann Vorsitzrichtung Bewegung „der Symphonie 2.“ 3.: Der Sado Yutaka Vorsitz: Gast der Honma Intelligenz (Ansager der Asahi-nationaler Sendung Co.): Gesunde Osamu große Hagi (Gitarre) Leistung: „Das Konzerthome page, das hat nicht Tokyo-füllenden Harmoniesymphonietitel“

    • Kana [tsu] [ji] [yo] y globo
      El amante del mapa [hola] - recibe el globo… ¿whichLargely alrededor del globo que está efímero, el avance que donde cambia, globo preferido apunta también el “kana [tsu] [ji] [yo]” y [ho] limpia lentamente? Pero… la federación soviética… La Alemania Oriental… según lo esperado, cuando la edad unas (riendo) con el hermano la absorción [hola] - Asaoki él viene en globo, pero inmediatamente globo, en cuanto al globo que fumbled el tornillo del eje para parecer, viene apagado del balanceo del pedestal, el jefe de la bomba directa del padre golpeada… cada uno, conecta a tierra cuidadosamente…

    • É que o ò dia 3 imóvel da projeção cinematográfica do russo!
      Opinion , please visit the following link

    • Известные музыкальные 5-ые сыщика работы [amadeusu] «[shiyosutakobitsutsuchi]»
      Nihongo , original meaning

    • Book-reading 2010Part95
      En japones , Feel free to link

    • Behind scene of cinema
      'lettre de sibé When rie' (1958) directly view you want, 'the letter from Siberia of crith [marukeru]' (not yet software conversion) sale of the overseas edition dvd which finally can see is advanced, as for photographing which [marukeru] the compilation movie has been raised shortly extremely as for [satsushiya] [vuieruni] and the production as for arogos films crith [marukeru] of [anatoru] Dormant like the documentary writer is many a thing which is said even in youtube which reaches the point where you can see the movie of crith [marukeru] considerably, but 'as for the letter from Siberia' first 1957 August which is film essay of period, postmortem in 4 of Stalin'sWith the famous 1 lines that “I have written this letter on you from distant country where, [marukeru] with the friend of several people visits the Siberian area”, the record image where the [marukeru] peculiar commentary starts it keeps chasing the cultural history of the Soviet federation, but is, the commentary where the element which protrudes from the framework of the documentary is interesting image to face convert the time, 3 places, to pour the fact that it is feature carries out the kind of role to throw image, the time in the whole movie and the [hu] it probably will be put to be and as description above animation of mammoth to enter, first personWhile so the narrator who was inserting the commentary just dreams of that the winter is passed in mammoth Paris of mammoth and Siberia which tempo well start singing song simply feeling the Imperial order and whiplash punishment of the emperor, the item that to the object you step on the present documentary many midway, that time when it does to somewhere, mammoth it is retained in way and the complete form which are the ice attaching in Siberia being discovered, reproduce that mammoth it has become topic with animation, that pile up to the form of the populace which is oppressed under Stalin administration and adjust with the earth foot and enter, you disclose that with intense imageWhile in such it is tilted, measuring the appropriate distance of the object to the direction which is not, the film essay which extracts the essence probably will be good being more reflected upon

    • Solar eclipse and [zoe

    • Disintegration the empire which is done
      Em ordem certos dias há para a federação soviética nacional socialista a maior que leu o império que Sato Yutaka “desintegração é feito” imediatamente para manter desmoronar, você do mundo recordou do olho somente de Sato que é naquele tempo a equipe de funcionários japonesa do Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros quanto para à idéia do ♪ no primeiro socialismo do lugar que é o documentário que é superior um pouco, lendo esta uma história que em algum livro seja lida ele pareceu como opor ao interior do capitalismo de repente [ru] “também o Estados Unidos da América que é a nação a maior do capitalismo do mundo como a federação soviética, se desmorona imediatamente,…” Sendo realizado a palavra que com “ele repete a história que é pensada”, você não pensa? futuro esse que tem o interesse na coisa da estimativa, o ♪____今日 que é a recomendação estava dias do frio 1 [ru] de um e a história do passado, como por tal dia do ♪ que come o arroz fervido lentamente, tomando um banho lentamente, que você vai para a cama lentamente, é o primeiro com vai para a cama…

    • His Majesty the Emperor, coronation 20 year
      日語句子 , original meaning

    • The word of His Majesty the Emperor
      Beaucoup de sujets d'actualite au Japon for multilingual communication

    • The Soviet Union
      6,140,424诞生花[himehagi]花词隐士诞生石头紫锂辉石石头词甜心到来的预兆苏联苏联联邦来源: 自由百科全书‘[uikipedeia] (

    • Land of month
      Avaliacao de desempenho, e sintese , Japanese talking

    • Nationwide governor meeting… Ishihara VS pigeon   In Ishihara corps victory.
      Examen, evaluacion y resumen , please visit the following link

    • End main part of the Democratic party administration
      Это мнение , original meaning

    • You are fascinated by the place where it is not visible is.
      Anfang des alten sowjetischen Bundesraumalters benennend, können Sie in der Bewegung als a in Richtung zur Amerika-Staatspolitik des Alters „Richtungsinnere [sugoi] gut denken des kalten Krieges“ „, dieses tat gut an an und die [yo]“ Konkurrenz beider Länder in der besonders Raumforschung, die die Zeiten liebt, als sie tun soll, ist, wenn jetzt Sie denken, [aho], ill-smelling (lachend), „unser Land startete die Rakete irgendeines Buches“, aber „wohler Brunnen unser Staatsangehöriger etwas [ze] wie es ist die bemannte Rakete“ (lachend), schliesslich Entwicklungsanekdote und dergleichen die Bemühung wo der Wissenschaftler und der Techniker, die Charme glauben, werden nicht lose, politische Mühe feindliche countryTo (die Vereinigten Staaten) Provokation… Zusätzlich das Buch, welches die Nacht更 Eiche tun kann, wurde gefunden, die „alte Sowjetunion“, „Terrorismus“, „Raum,“ alles zu meinem Schlüsselwort verfangen wurde, (lachend)

    • “The [ma] [za] of [rotochienko] + [sutepanowa] the Russian Constructivism it is not” the @ Tokyo garden fine arts museum
      Comentarios sobre este , linked pages are Japanese

    • At Tet lith birth 25th anniversary logograph of Google sight in Tet lith
      Logograph визирования google, сегодня двигатель поиска который будет версией lith Tet, logograph (doodle google) google, регулируя к дню чествования и сезону, как для изменять, он каждое коралл зная, вы не думаете? logograph большого предпринимательства что-то где применения решены строго с руководством ci, это logograph где, но с google, вы играете лично и вы подключены к также делать чывство традиции свободной компании которое сердцу полностью изменяло для того чтобы поднять корпоративную тождественность довольно даже, как для этого logograph которое праздник войлока вы вызываете logograph, работы прошлого с визированием google архивохранилище сделано (это) как для конструктора Дэннис [howan] (г-н dennis hwang) когда перед быть путем, вы переустановили к рассказу lith которым выбирает вверх с [maikomijiyanaru] (это), Tet Tet lith падая игра головоломки вещи которая научный работник [arekusei] [pajitonohu] и другие 3 люд советского федерирования начали и то большая игра удара размера которому вы можете думать не значит ли оно что люди вы сделанный бедный человек менее вы не думают? в виду того что первая версия завершая на 6-ое июня 1984, над 125.000.000 это оно продает, для того НОП для самого последнего doodle google (как для разума doodle сочинительства [itazura]) который, даже в logograph праздника которое номер размер который не может быть прочитанным «google» destroyedBeing приятный, портативная карманная игра (lith Tet) которой он имеет мочь позабавить от ¥ 882amazon.co.jp утра хвостовика

    • Lunokhod 1
      Association de Lavochkin qui a été chargée dans le monde entier par la sonde lunaire non-pilotée 17 lunaires et par fédération soviétique de la première voiture de surface lunaire le 17 novembre 1970 en mois l'atterrissage (quant à lancement le 10 novembre 1970) approximativement 11 mois, étudiée

    • How is, you probably see at outer space the God way
      Comentarios sobre este , Japanese talking

    • weblog title
      ~ birthday ~☆1473 year [nikorausu] Copernicus (astronomical scholar: As for outer space when it is turning the sun as a center you advocated) ☆1942 year dolly [huanku] junior (professional wrestling Ra) ☆1946 year Fujioka Hiro ☆1948 year commodity Tuwao ☆1952 year Murakami dragon ☆1964 year Wada [rajiwo] (the cartoonist) the ☆1966 year Yakumaru Hirohide ☆1969 year Kato [re] to be, it is dense ☆1974 year forest 且 line (the o tracer: Origin smap) ☆1975 year Yamamoto high wide (ones you imitate) ☆1975 year happiness cheaply Hiroshi flat (the dubbing artist: ) ☆1983 year Nakajima beauty 嘉 ☆1986 year [garigarigarikuson] ~ deathday ~☆1709 year Tokugawa cord good fortune (government of Edo 5th generation General) patent of the ~ occurrence ~☆1878 year record player is acquired the ☆1942 year Japanese such as one step inside the curtain 之 of the one step of beginning Australian air raid ☆1945 year US military in the sulphur island at the landing ☆1954 year Kuramae national skill mansion the Japanese first real professional wrestling international tournament opening ☆1972 year Asama mountain villa incident occurrence ☆1986 year Soviet federation the space station meal launch* Universal Postal Union joining commemoration day* Day of professional wrestling

    • weblog title
      kanji , original meaning

    • Japanese weblog
      En japonais , for multilingual communication

    • original letters
      大量的日本當前主題 , Japanese talking

    • Japanese talking
      日語句子 , please visit the following link

    • Soviet [tsu] [te] what kind of country
      Examen, evaluacion y resumen , please visit the following link

    • Armenia 1-2 the Spanish happiness and 6 minutes of excitation
      Em japones , for multilingual communication

    • [kurara] and meal meeting
      impressions , linked pages are Japanese

    • Yasukuni Shrine
      Opinion , linked pages are Japanese

    • The Georgian false reporting disturbance
      Em japones , linked pages are Japanese

    • In Hokkaido [jingisukan] pot
      Avaliacao de desempenho, e sintese , original meaning

    • Japanese talking
      When from third city [karakoru] my post of [kirugisu] by the car 40 parts Friday of last week this town being possible densely, there is the celebration of 140th anniversaries, unless it solves traditional musical instrument [komuzu] of [kirugisu] there is performance [tsu] [te] plan with 140, unless it solves after all it was not with, teaching kendo to [karakoru], desired saying, the child being, Friday [karakoru] going, disturbing to the house of that child which it increases, it swings the stick of the iron on the land which freezes slippery with the garden the time, with [kirugisu] where the fireworks rise as for the fireworks however those of the winter only it was visible a little, me who am clean[ishikukuru] state of post, this year in 70th anniversary 70th anniversaries, 140th anniversaries is young, is, don't you think? when story it is heard in the mother of the host family, 'before that however you have lived, it is to nomadize the empty, the road clean there was no person and, there was no town or a village,' [tsu] [te] Soviet federation collapsing, becoming [kirugisu] republic, national [tsu] [te] feeling does future being, summer election was done with 1 year forward fall budget of the next year when it cannot unite because the extent economy which is bad, from January of next year electric generation above time price hike old Soviet ageBecause the opportunity of hydroelectric power deteriorated, unless it changes that newly, because supply of electricity in the country becomes impossible in the near future, from January of next year fee of 5 times (pulling also the aqueduct which seems from the mountain of the village, fixed fee it seems in regard to the [ru] water it was good, -) the gas increased in price last year seems, because (there is no gas in the house, you did not know) with [kirugisu] republic by your of such a state not being able to make, depending on import, therefore the [ru] it is, then insult of the product which other country was made it will try not to say, 'old Soviet age it was good everyone equality,' the [tsu] [te] not calling, the photograph of last year when it perseveres from now and depending thinksIs, but when from the village of post by the car about 30 minutes densely it is, [jiyuteiogusu] (mind of seven bulls) whatever degree counting, there are seven or more, it is, but current snow about [kore] it dissolves in the day when weather accumulating, is good being, this year in ice burning the house ahead foreboding staying in mild winter

    • KGB 2/3
      日語句子 , original meaning

    • Spending a lot of money trading which profit is not taken
      日語句子 , original meaning

    • Ukraine poised for tense presidential poll
      belief , Feel free to link

    • Turnout of Tajik parliamentary elections reaches 85.2 percent
      kanji character , Japanese talking

    • u0026quot;Sochiu0026quot; is, How about.
      Un monton de temas de actualidad en Japon , for multilingual communication

    • アメリカべったり外交から、世界と分かち合う外交への転換を。
      Examen, evaluation, le resume , linked pages are Japanese

    • もうすぐバレンタイン★
      japanese means , original meaning

    • タイトルなし
      Opinion , Feel free to link

    • 私の知らない日本
      belief , original meaning

    • この変な人を見よ!の1
      Un monton de temas de actualidad en Japon , for multilingual communication

    • 今日の新タワー
      Examen, evaluation, le resume , linked pages are Japanese

    • ロシアん~~~。
      Se a era federal soviética é pensamento, o equipamento da tropa do russo que o lado oeste [naizu] é feito diz extremamente, quanto para ao punho camuflar de cada equipamento que ainda os aumentos de Rússia que são Rússia, [kitsuchiri] e a tampa dependendo do espaço que é svd do estoque de madeira no protetor da mão da resina do ~ da pata, sendo o 〝[wa] e o〟 oral [do ya] no estoque de aks74u onde a cor do protetor da mão da parte superior e da parte inferior da cabeça da monge de beber do cornetim da cerveja da pata é já diferente de todo no março da familiaridade [tsu] [te] que da zona leste onde a atadura da imprensa é ferida. O pé é estendido ao pino do pino, você não pensa? é provavelmente será? Do leste. Na comemoração que fotografa a boina transportada por via aérea do russo. Ponta/microplaqueta do chocolate! Mesmo agora, também as épocas anteriores que montam no veículo, Rússia que é movida a infantaria relativamente que é mesmo, aumenta, equipamento, mas capacete do Kepler dos olhares preguiçosa o todos que oscila ao equipamento que é, ele é pensado como os povos especiais quem aumenta, mas com os olhares que como esperado [bishitsu] e o controle toma a pata

    • 久しぶり
      Because previous renewal at the time of the club world cup therefore less than approximately 8 months it is obligation separately renewal is less crowded, because is good but and it is not the case that the person who is read is, it probably will not care, but neglecting how without, theme of this [burogu] which it does not inhale you write some thought it is something which collected the miscellaneous impressions of everyday life because, in any case there is no coherence, [gurasunosuchi] which is the title which stops understanding whether it is possible to write what conversely, (being agreeable with thing of the reformation regarding the Freedom of Information Act to which President Gorbachev of old Soviet federation doesBecause it is or insecurity but, you named in the sense, Freedom of Information Act from there, in a word I writing, regardless biting, but the number of articles which are [burogu] which is started with the gist that it is released, already 270 or more even with this some time restarting, also the deletion of the article often went, originally more the large quantity had written, because it is the human like the memento which anyhow, I forget unless what is written, directly, [burogu] which every time, can be written every time securely memorandum perhaps in regard to this it is the necessary item at the time of living [burogu], contribution from carrying and somethingEstablishing other [burogu] concerning the miscellaneous impressions which you think, that the thought sentence keeps being center, it is the intention of keeping writing periodic

    • No title

    • 天皇陛下、御即位二十周年における御言葉。
      La rueda de prensa su majestad el reinado del emperador ceremonia de la conmemoración de 20 años el 12 de noviembre 2009 de sus majestades el emperador y la emperatriz (la madera) (el teatro nacional) en cuanto a su majestad el emperador no es que se aflige en Assemblyman de fractura nacional del partido Democratic, si usted mira la palabra de su majestad el emperador en el vigésimo aniversario de la coronación, cosa de la víctima del secuestro se ha expresado, alcanzando pronto, aún, el corazón que lastima, la administración del partido Democratic donde entiende si esté probablemente, conjetura el corazón grande de su majestad el emperador en el secuestro cuál no soluciona y debe aplicar toda la energía a la solución del secuestro su majestad el emperador claramente su alteza imperial el Príncipe heredero, la caída y, referente a la sucesión imperial del trono bajo orden del palaceIn del 篠 para respetar pensamiento, él fue hablado hasta ahora, la persona que dice que era la clase de ese discurso de los derechos uno es incluida él, pero su alteza imperial el Príncipe heredero, caída que respeta el pensamiento debajo del palacio del 篠 en la palabra de su majestad el emperador, usted debe intentar decidir la sucesión imperial del trono, usted no entiende al príncipe de ambas coronas cómo pensamiento pero esto no es apropiado, si esté probablemente, adentro en cuanto a mí que la expresó especialmente de la víctima en la guerra “el suyo Majestad la coronación del emperador ceremonia de la conmemoración de 20 años” en cuanto a este discurso, su majestad el emperador en la capilla de Yasukuni no es ansiedad que se indicará en el padre que adora sin ser possibleIs o, si no puede visitar a la capilla de Yasukuni que su majestad el emperador conjetura del promontorio [del matsupi] del Saipan y se visita en el monumento de la isla del sulfuro, porqué está en la vecindad como emperador %E que no sea lastimar, si esté probablemente, en mí que la manera puede pensar el corazón en eso

    • 8月21日の歴史
      1611: 1862 the major earthquake of m6.9 you see merely in Aizu district and the river can do the weir stop Inawashiro lake: Disturbs raw wheat incident Satsuma feudal clan main thing Shimazu Hisamitsu queue the English merchant who to be cut, 1 people the death 薩 in cause of the English war 1862: The Vienna city barracks park opening 1898: Also. Speech incident sentence. The Ozaki line male “if republic is actualized in Japan, Mitsui Mitsubishi probably becomes candidate for the presidency”, that to lecture, the non- properness be criticized in October resignation 1912: 2 years later when '[monariza]' is stolen from the Louvre heuristic 1913: Taisyo Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. place establishment 1924: 1932 the weather map is published to the newspaper for the first time: 1st Venice movie festival opening 1937: In “non-aggression treaty in the Soviet Union” seal 1940: 1944 is assassinated [torochiki] in Mexico ahead going into exile: The Soviet in [banbaton] Oaks meeting America and England representation the United Nations law. Draft compilation 1945: During wartime is prohibited broadcast of the weather forecast which after 4 years revival 1948: 1959 becomes problem conversion as emperor silver incident suspect, artist Hirasawa 貞 centering on the authenticity of arrest admission: 1968 Hawaii becomes 50th state of the United States of America: Designates the Soviet federal troop as the main force the Warsaw Pact Organization troop who in Czechoslovakia invasion 1983: 1990 is assassinated former Senator Aquino at the Philippine & Manila airport: Forest compound sentence professor of Kyoto University several subjects Fields Prize prize-winning 1991: By Soviet vice-presidents the coup with the resistance of the citizen the failure ringleader Moscow 2004 escapes: [chiechien] riot terrorist Presidential election polling station and police station above attack 60 person death 2008: The Beijing Olympic Japanese softball gold medal

    • 14年間で28カ国です
      Nihongo , please visit the following link

    • 私たちはこの美しい惑星上の人間存在を、決して消滅するがままに放置することはできないのです
      Nihongo , please visit the following link

    • 年中記念日
      Dividing one year in November 7 Hitachi winter into 24, display season one of 24 seasonal data points which is the stand winter the stand winter when, setting-in of spring, stand summer, along with the stand fall, it shows the big turning point of season the ordinary year when, November 7 it is stand winter always, the winter starts the next of the stand winter and with 24 seasonal datum point where Koyuki November 23rd (does when the [yo] [u] [se])” is the day Asahi Shimbun of the intelligence which 1988 (1988) year, 'Asahi today being terminology intelligence warehouse' issue solar eclipse item manufacturer [yamaki] of the enactment pot this day of enactment being stand winterFrom many thing the Russian Revolution commemoration day (the Soviet federation) 1917 (1917) year, the Soviet administration is established with the Russian October revolution the [romanohu] royal court was pushed down with the February revolution where, provisional government of Kerenskii's was dominant, but Bolshevik of Lenin and [torotsuki] and others (the Russian Japan Communist Party) to expand power, this day (Russian calendar October 25th), capital city Petrograd (present Sankutpetersburg) with to arm revolt, is formed with the workers the red defense troop who has government charges to the winter shrine where people commission to be established the all in Russian was opened in the same day which & Soviet conference which, Lenin in the chairman“Hail day of plug fence” and this day which is enacted alias “well cam winter day” is said even the day of “stand winter” day of hail plug fence which inaugurates (every year the stand winter nationwide American snack manufacturer's association) 1985, the nationwide American snack manufacturer's association, the American snack which was made with the new rice (the hail and the plug fence) consumption enlargement as a purpose,

    • 今日は何の日11月7日
      Wenn vertieft Solareklipse-Einzelteilhersteller [yamaki] des Topfes der Tag Asahi Shimbun der Intelligenz 1988 (1988) Jahr, „Asahi, der heute Terminologieintelligenz-Lager“ Ausgabe von der Tatsache ist, dass es viel eine Sache gibt, wo dieser Tag des Erlasses Standplatzwinter ist, Tag japanischen Ode Yamagata 1994 (1994) der Erlass Guizhou-des Berg (japanische Ode Yamagata) im Erlass Guizhou-Bergdorf das Verständnis von der Tatsache, dass das Festival, das auf altem Kalender 7. November auf einmal im Gott des Berges schätzt, für die Berge und die Wälder im Jahr erfolgt war, der Gedenkentag der russischen Revolution als Tätigkeit zwecks das Bergdorf erleuchten, das wo die Person und der Berg bildet zusammen wird getan (die sowjetische Vereinigung) leben 1917 (1917) Jahr, wurde das [romanohu] königliche Gericht mit der Februar-Revolution runtergedrückt, in der die sowjetische Verwaltung mit der russischen Oktober-Revolution hergestellt wird, provisorische Regierung von Kerenskiis war dominierend, die rote Verteidigungtruppe, wo, aber Bolshevik von Lenin und [torotsuki] und andere (die russische Japan-kommunistische Partei) erweitert Energie, dieser Tag (russischer Kalender 25. Oktober), Hauptstadt Petrograd (anwesendes Sankutpetersburg) mit Armaufruhren, wird gebildet mit den Arbeitskräften ist eine Regierung. Leute beauftragen wurden hergestellt die alle auf russisch waren geöffnet in am gleichen Tag, das zum Schrein u. zur Sowjetkonferenz auflädt, die, Lenin als das Vorsitzende eröffnet wurde

    • お早ようございます(^O^)
      issue , linked pages are Japanese

    • 統合環境
      ” The puzzle [me] as for environment for software development of the jazz tea drinking amp atelier which is”. The schematic of orcad the electron is made data-oriented with integrated environment, like viewing bay sea Sugawara of the record user which becomes difficult thing” enjoys trouble,” that dictum was left, the main personal computer being done with the security software which does not understand either one is correct, whether, but as for not to be somewhere it enjoys trouble being difficult not to be wrong, the intention which but it changes into integrated environment the Soviet federation which is not collapsing, it becomes Russia and history repeats dispersion and the integration which it disperses, if the bean jam [pu] fathers style whom we want judging with historical fact can integrate distributed processing lastly with subject, doing well and doing and being effective whether it is not effective,It becomes Internet private personal computer and the personal computer and the ccad private personal computer and 3 units for program development, but as for the latter 2 units the ghost virus attacking with offline, horse ear easterly wind.

    • 天理は力である
      Opinion , linked pages are Japanese

    • 「コンスタンチン・E・ツィオルコフスキー」
      Examen, evaluation, le resume , Feel free to link

    • 自民党に入れるくらいなら、比例は共産党に投票しよう!
      Receber a vitória opressivamente do partido Democratic na eleição parlamentar importanta, em o ministro que finalmente primeiro de ordem Aso que menciona a eleição geral da dispersão é KY completamente talvez igualmente, o partido Democratic faz a vitória, está sendo, igualmente para que 2/3 ocupem o lugar em o parlamento, porque um determinado significado do incómodo, ele se transforma mesmo como a corrente nosso partido de ruling público você não pensa?! Assim, círculo eleitoral pequeno de qualquer modo sobre a proporção o kana que votará ao partido Democratic liberal? Com nós gostaríamos de chamar à pessoa que é pensamento! Se a extensão que vota ao partido Democratic liberal, de que faz ao Japão japonês o partido comunista, inquirindo sobre o nome, partido comunista de Japão, talvez, representa a federação soviética velha e China atual, mas tal ambição mesmo o Partido Comunista Chinês que não é, extrai uma linha no partido comunista japonês de Japão, conseqüentemente é… Conseqüentemente a administração do partido Democratic somente isto e é que, a alternação da administração com partido de oposição atual temível esforço da junção é a mais desejável, quando também aproximadamente o partido dos povos do corporaçõ igualmente que o partido novo nacional faz para perseverar, ele é incomodado quando faz para perseverar e, o partido comunista japonês como um impedimento, I ele é incomodado, a administração a alternação é desejada sendo, o partido Democratic de Japão, não deseja o tipo do resultado onde igualmente 2/3 ocupam o lugar em o parlamento e quanto para a mim, em algum sentido que não seja o suporte de partido comunista japonês de Japão, quanto para à eleição geral deste tempo se se transforme os difíceis,…

    • ReD?:伴侶を癌でなくした精神科医の話43?
      belief , linked pages are Japanese

    • ショスタコーヴィチと構造構成主義
      Essa opiniao , Japanese talking

    • 「シャーリー・テンプル」4/4
      En japonais , Japanese talking

    • 第10回記念大会
      La porción grande de ciudad de la ocurrencia del fuego quemó (1904) lanzamientos mundiales jubilados de Salyut 1 de la estación espacial de la federación soviética de Salvarsan (1910) Douglas MaARTHUR del remedio mariscales heurísticos sifilíticos (los 1951) primeros en el festival Toronto del renacimiento en la iglesia del este de la palabra principal del día uno 10mo incidentes prize-winning premiado del bombardeo del edificio del gobierno federal del Oklahoma City de los hombres de Naoki Hasegawa uno de la conferencia de la conmemoración de la reunión (1971) y del honor nacional de Uemura (de los 1984) (1995) entonces adiós, dibujado

    • 「賢いハリネズミ」の様な国を目指して
      Nihongo , please visit the following link

    • 鳩山・民主党はどこまで小沢一郎を擁護するつもりか?小沢一郎を「代表代行・筆頭)」に配置換えしただけで1件落着とするつもりか?民主党のその場しのぎの弥縫策と本件の背景を考えてみる。
      It is in accordance with closed room consultation in beginning, the result of publicizing “Yukio's Katuya Okada and Hatoyama representation election” loudly making use of the television newspaper, as for the Democratic party “Ozawa store” which is the occurrence which symbolizes “the fickleness” of the public where the public who has been estranged from the Democratic party revolves in the Democratic party support %E

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