- Looking at world cup Japanese anti- Paraguayan game, you happened to think.
http://pitagoras.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/06/post-edfd.html Perhaps Paraguay -> also [baiagura] is close to this play, Talvez Paraguai - > igualmente [o baiagura] é próximo a este jogo,
- China 35
http://tor-kbt.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/06/35-35a2.html Although Paraguay it plays evenly Embora Paraguai que joga uniformente
- Dead fighting… 8 it does not become best,
http://keaton.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/1676655/ The dead fighting of Paraguay is not decided even with extension, it is regretful to pk game, but you were defeated, but you think that the players persevered well, A luta inoperante de Paraguai não é decidida mesmo com extensão, é regretful ao jogo do PK, mas você foi derrotado, mas você pensa que os jogadores perseveraram bem,
- Thank you, the samurai blue
http://kuni-1222.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/06/post-909d.html The Japanese representation which exceeds the Paraguayan super attack hard with Mori who has become assemblage, with the counter several degrees grasps chance - A respresentação japonesa que excede o ataque super paraguaio duramente com Mori que tem a reunião tornada, com o contador diversos graus agarra a possibilidade -
- The [te] [tsu] it is being, the [tsu] it is - to be!
http://blog.livedoor.jp/kuromugi/archives/51550281.html [bubuzera] mass arrival of the blue which is in time to the Paraguayan game (^o^) the [bu] - your [bu] [bu] [bu] - the [bu] - - the Japanese [bu] - the [bu] - the [bu] - [Bubuzera] a chegada maciça (^o^) [bu] do azul que é a tempo ao jogo paraguaio - seu [bu] [bu] [bu] - [bu] - - o japonês [bu] - [os bu] - [os bu] -
- Running with the devil
http://d.hatena.ne.jp/tetsujintoshi/20100630 The Paraguayan 0−0 Japan (pk: 5-3) O Paraguayan 0−0 Japão (PK: 5-3)
- South African W cup round 16 Japanese 0:0 /PK 3:5 Paraguay…Intense fighting of 120 parts +PK, cruel actuality… of end of the game.
http://whiteandwhite.cocolog-nifty.com/mogura/2010/06/wpk-pk-8aca.html As for Paraguay, as seen even with the present friendly tournament, guard is hard in any case Quanto para a Paraguai, como considerada mesmo com o competiam amigável atual, o protetor é duro em todo caso
- Japanese weblog
http://butsubutsudress.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/06/post-b31e.html Also Paraguay is strong, is, but we want persevering, the shank Igualmente Paraguai é forte, é, mas nós queremos perseverando, a pata
PK戦, Sport,