- kawase kainyuu toha �� sono 2 �� kawase kainyuu tte nani ��
http://ameblo.jp/hibs/entry-10834138998.html If it is interpreted that in just the speech which designates the announcement effect as purpose, conduct has not accompanied when it is called proboscis intervention, it is 如果在选定公告作用作为目的讲话被解释,品行未伴随它什么时候称象鼻干预,它是
- weblog title
http://kochan-genki.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-08-19-1 You do, not to be the proboscis intervention that, you do, saying nothing and intervening if you do not show the seriousness of [sapuraizu], it keeps being done is 您,不是,您的象鼻干预,称没什么,并且干预,如果您不显示重要性[sapuraizu],它继续做是
- 政治主導は???
http://taka-shi.cocolog-nifty.com/mati/2010/01/post-5cd1.html Financial affairs minister of state produces finishing to become tired with compilation of the budget, as alternated, also the person who alternates is quick. When it was good being proboscis intervention of exchange it was bad, it seems that from first is chased in defensive fight 财务国务部长引起精整变得疲乏与预算的编辑,如交替,也交替的人快的。 当它是好是坏的交换的象鼻干预,看起来从首先在防御战斗被追逐
Verbal intervention, Business,