- weblog title
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/masakazu_itoi/e/433c9ec7194b17cdcdd8c446cc019163 You try that as for [senchimento] of the market, the possibility of wobbling for the second time to increase in yen value probably will be high, Usted intenta que en cuanto a [senchimento] del mercado, la posibilidad del bamboleo para la segunda vez al aumento en valor de los Yenes será probablemente alta,
- original letters
http://fortuneblog.livedoor.biz/archives/51083180.html You commented even in the report of last week, but state of mind of the present market has become complicated composition Usted comentó incluso en el informe de la semana, pero el estado de ánimo del actual mercado tiene composición complicada convertida
- What the media, stupid? ? ?
http://ameblo.jp/sangokuc/entry-10432498649.html “Even next week voice of 11,000 Yen recovery” has appeared to the market “Incluso la voz de la recuperación de 11.000 Yenes” ha aparecido la semana próxima al mercado
Verbal intervention, Business,