- ZazaFL
http://twitter.com/ZazaFL :@ZazaFL @ANimer nice
- [santeiago] [de] [konposutera] old town
http://ikanetagire-diary.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/07/post-5b1b.html However you made a mistake in the acceptance which to acceptance and the west which are the taking Ae not obtaining and east is, admission 然而您犯了在对采纳和西部不获得采取的Ae和东部是的采纳,入场的一个错误
- [ningaru] coast
http://ikanetagire-diary.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/10/post-ea14.html Taking Ae you do not obtain, the worldwide heritage which was videotaped you make to see… 采取Ae您不要获得,被录影您做看…的全世界遗产
- Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.
http://ikanetagire-diary.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/06/post-ab92.html As a taking Ae not obtaining and a whole don't you think? almost it was the [anison] celebration, the [e 作为采取的Ae不获得和整体您是否不认为? 几乎它是[anison]庆祝, [e
http://ikanetagire-diary.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/06/post-e658.html It cannot overlook the point that it is the only joy dealer with the taking Ae not obtaining and local end, (laughing 它不可能俯视点它是有采取的Ae的唯一的喜悦经销商不获得和地方末端, (笑
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