- 11/24, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/i-love-h2co3/entry-10717212249.html [omegamon] the appearance being too good, [yaba] it is,, a liberal translation [omegamon] возникновение слишком хорошо, [yaba] оно,
- Seven large devil arrivals, a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/rmzword777/28101550.html The Omega the fusion saw at last and the [re] cartridge the oven is [ma] [omegamon] did not think comes out with, a liberal translation Омега сплавливание увидело на последнем и патрон [re] печь [ma] [omegamon] не думала приходит вне с
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/nexusseed/e/6a75121a077b6329bf0e130e5471b04c Super to evolve to [omegashiyautomon], fight of golden anti- gold Супер эволюционировать [omegashiyautomon], драка золотистого anti- золота
- original letters
http://ameblo.jp/aobou/entry-10462024468.html [omegamon] it is good, if [omegamon] <- you mention [jiyoguresu], the righteousness of [dejimon] which comes out with 02. Perfect field of evolution, ultimate body [tsu] [te] no what and [ro]? The [chi] [yo] it is and becomes matter of concern (゚ Ω ゚ *) as for the game to tell the truth one it does not have [omegamon] хорошо, если [omegamon], то
Digimon, Anime, Video Game,