- To tell the truth you sang, it is.
http://ameblo.jp/yukimuramizuki/entry-10611845174.html Also subject song ed “of [dejimon] 02” song now the chestnut* Canção de 02 também sujeita do ed da canção “[dejimon]” agora o chestnut*
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/nexusseed/e/59319cb63a0b0240298b1dbbf366983e “The Maeda love [tsu] [te], song of [dejimon] singing, [ru] human kana” misunderstanding, because it increased, perhaps about the junior high school student “O amor de Maeda [tsu] [te], canção [dejimon] do canto, [ru] kana humano” que entende mal, porque aumentou, talvez sobre o estudante da escola secundária
- Friendship [animedejimonkurosuuozu
http://siotaro.cocolog-nifty.com/siotaro/2011/09/51-7997.html “If the companion is, power of heart grows with a lot of”, but the speech of [barisutamon], after all [dejimonkurosuuozu] with jump animation the shank “Se o companheiro é, o poder do coração cresce com muito”, mas discurso de [barisutamon], após tudo [dejimonkurosuuozu] com animação do salto a pata
- Name and term of endearment
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/nexusseed/e/751d77a9dbefce498303ca0439b1a2ce Although it is abbreviation of the “digital monster”, when it is the abbreviation, “digit monster”, being misunderstood, it increased, (the tear, a liberal translation Embora fosse abreviatura “do monstro digital”, quando é a abreviatura, do “monstro dígito”, sendo entendido mal, aumentou, (o rasgo
Digimon, Anime, Video Game,