- Michael Tomasky: Base v. indies
http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/michaeltomasky/2010/jan/22/obama-administration-healthcare-base-vs-middle Why? This is common in both houses of Congress will pass the Senate bill must be attached indicating the agreement between what I can fix it later Pourquoi? Cette situation est commune aux deux chambres du Congrès va adopter le projet du Sénat doit être jointe indiquant l accord entre ce que je peux y remédier plus tard
- US climate change legislation Q&A: what will happen in 2010?
http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2010/jan/07/us-climate-change-legislation This agreement, reached up to the day in Copenhagen Cet accord, qui atteint jusqu à nos jours à Copenhague
- Chris Dodd and Byron Dorgan: two very different departures | Michael Tomasky
There is, or the water? And what is not 还有,或水? ,什么是不
democratic, Politics ,