- Cold… after that,
http://oyajinohitorigoto.cocolog-nifty.com/oujisama/2011/05/post-8443.html But Monday, Tuesday and 2 days, you call [ekinasea 但是星期一、星期二和2天,您叫[ekinasea
- It returned to Sendai
http://ken1ue24.cocolog-nifty.com/diary/2012/01/post-37b6.html With the notion that where you say, now it returned to Sendai from Japanese ode Yamagata Kainan city of morning and the parents' home, a liberal translation 的概念哪里您说,它现在回到仙台从早晨和父母日本抒情诗山形县Kainan市的在家
- Bag littleneck clam favorite [ya
http://teporin.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/12/post-ff61.html When with it returns to the house from the company with the notion that where you say, thin came thickly in the bag littleneck clam 当与它回到房子从与概念的公司时哪里您说,稀薄在袋子小帘蛤蜊厚实地来了
- In some [ge] the first day of the year for work and 謹 celebration New Year, a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/shigemat2001/64576378.html With it was New Year's Day with the feeling which is said 它是新年以说的感觉
- Way it is year when the large quantity you can laugh with everyone.
http://narcissustazetta.blog121.fc2.com/blog-entry-2656.html With you say, or the personal computer opened after a long time, a liberal translation 您说或者在很长时间以后被打开的个人计算机
- News of December suspension of business day and noon liquor business day
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/traumyoshi/63353144.html You remembered with question from the question fish customer 您记住了与从问题鱼顾客的问题
- shinnen sousou ni
http://elfmd.cocolog-nifty.com/suforblog/2011/01/post-0b36.html With the notion that where you say, it became 2011 New Year early outrageous start 的概念哪里您说,它成为2011新年早粗暴的开始
- Japanese talking
http://enaka.cocolog-nifty.com/soon/2011/01/post-c00a.html With the notion that where you say, is an impression of continuing to eat from New Year's Day in addition the large quantity it is eaten is the case that in the New Year party in spite, 的概念哪里您说,另外是印象继续从新年吃大量它被吃是在赌气的新年党的实际情形,
Started work, Reportage, Business,