- 2009/12/21 Asahi Hai
http://udagawa.way-nifty.com/blog/2009/12/20091221-d08d.html Thanks to hard work, but Daiwababarian Merci à travailler dur, mais Daiwababarian
- Prospects will be raced in the prize horse and light Kisaragi
http://taratara-zakki.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/02/post-47c7.html Daiwababarian this race is going to be a yardstick in measuring the difference in power between Rose and Victoire Daiwababarian cette course va être un critère pour mesurer la différence de puissance entre Rose et Victoire
- Kisaragi award prospects
http://blog.livedoor.jp/specialweek19950502/archives/51409978.html Daiwababarian two of those wins are also self any conditions, fs front-running in full morning sun, and the first in the new year Garbo won the Memorial three wearing Shinzan Daiwababarian deux de ces victoires sont aussi l auto n importe quelles conditions, fs front running en plein soleil du matin, et le premier de la nouvelle année Garbo a remporté le Memorial trois portaient Shinzan
Daiwababarian, Gamble,