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○■ クォーク
○■ Next week in returning schedule the next running radio nikkei prize, a liberal translation
○■ 後は、クォークに ライヴ持た... After, in the quark [toraivu] the kana which could be given -
○■ This week Sunday to Nakayama
○■ 今日は京都競馬場 菊花賞が・... Today at the Kyoto race track chrysanthemum flower prize…
○■ The human is God itself, “mankind same God 也” with it is the science which makes the ultimate truth which is said clear
○■ 一瞬、競馬予想会 のものかと... Whether instant, those of the horse racing expectation company you thought, a liberal translation
○■ As for luck 寿 grass spe cial of Loeve durian contents of complete victory
○■ レース後は1週間が 経過して疲... After race/lace 1 weeks elapsing, taking also the fatigue, reopening training with the canter normally from this week, a liberal translation
○■ The forest where [manamia ] has lived, devastation advancing, the God animal which is the foster parent with the consequence died, it seems
○■ とにかく今回の一 は 無関係... In any case don't you think? as for the latest one case wearing damage to unrelated professional sumo wrestler, because it increases, it seems that goes to [e] coming out practice and influence has appeared even in such aspect, that topic is changed, a liberal translation
○■ With being the case that it is said, [geritsukusutomu, a liberal translation
○■ その後、秋まで充 期間とした... Don't you think? after that, to fall we would like to make charge period
○■ So, also the yellow sand comes flying promptly, it is, don't you think?
○■ すっかり競馬場か 遠ざかって... Completely, having gone away from the race track, the dying betting ticket the [tsu] [te] which probably will be bought you call also the horse racing newspaper, therefore it is, it is rash, don't you think?, a liberal translation
○■ Furthermore, the [ru] whi ch applies to be the movement, a liberal translation
○■ しっかし、シーク るのも大変... It does, the [tsu] oak, also being serious to seek, don't you think?, a liberal translation
○■ Well, you read even with the 繋?
○■ うん、まあ、馬が かったけど... However the [u] is, well, the horse was strong, the ~
○■ Well, - Akashita you writ ing, the [ru] it does,
○■ 【とんかつひろ喜 ... To learn more, ask bloggers to link to.
○■ � [apapane] of 2 crown horses has become 1 keeper air, but as for this race/lace past as for 10 year Oaks horse either 1 times have not confronted ream, a liberal translation
○■ 連対馬10頭中5 がサンデー... 5 head in the connected Tsushima 10 heads is Sunday system
○■ Unless only it attacks wi th magic of [manamia], because it is thing, in [manamia] the attack indication, a liberal translation
○■ と言っても、猛禽 1.2mで... With saying, the predatory bird [onidoriru] and is simultaneous with 1.2m, but, a liberal translation
○■ That dialect especially i s we habitat neighborhood to seem, but…And the [tsu] [pa] you have not heard, is, don't you think?
○■ セントライト記念 ゲシュタルト... As for cent light/write commemoration from gestalt [aromakahue] [kuokusuta]! -> The shield eye 喰 and others the [tsu] is \ (^o^)/probably to aim tries gestalt cleanly with 4 corners collapses and, with the chrysanthemum 4 to put out the pearl shadow, don't you think? how it will do it is not
○■ * Sunday race/lace expect ation
○■ ◎10ローズキン ダム
○... You try that the amount where ◎10 rose kingdom 17 aroma coffee ▲15 [toukaimerodei] ×3 quark star △2 Loeve durian △1 [hirunodamuru] △13 gestalt △8 [toreirubureiza] △6 big weak thornback thin stops participating, three [me] probably are rose kingdom of earnest wish
○■ 2011/01/31 rust stories, a liberal translation