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○■ With example, alongside o f the rocket which was made so far commemoration photographing. (From the front line left, cosmos 3m (interkosmos-11), Mercury [retsudosuton], [makiyuriritoru] jaw. As for a-4 and medium line m series, from the left, l- 4s -5, μ-4s -2, μ-3c -1, μ-3h -1, μ-3s -1, μ-3sⅱ -1, μ-ⅴ . From the rear line left, Soyuz - u + tma-1 and proton - k (at the time of [zuvuezuda] launch), h-ⅱa 202 type, [supesushiyatorudeisukabari] (sts-128), Arianne ⅰ ) Proton - in the majestic form of k [horebore]. Well quickly, suffering hardship, it is something which was the worth which it made. Because with the download original sight of the paper pattern the paper pattern of the various rocket of Russia and Ukraine is open, also the fact that the tip other rocket is made from now on is the pleasure.
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○■ The papercraft rocket ser ies, this time the large-sized rocket of the old Soviet Union and Russia, the proton - as for the k. paper pattern from space flight paper modelling.
○■ Reading this article, “ suffering hardship, it liked, when it is possible and is finished the stop the [tsu] [chi] [ya] [u] don't you think?” with thought it is one, clicking this, we request the poll of support. ->
○■ <It is born in the sea and history of outer space of far over hundred 1,000,000,000 years is cut in our bodies which are brought up in the ground > (from Yamazaki's poem) < the fact that we would like to know the color odor of instantaneous the sound of start () to be, with as for touch start always being accustomed to pulling heart, does not stop > the December last year, Soichi Noguchi of the astronaut who embarks to the space ship “Soyuz” of Russia the disk which supplies poem the international space station (iss) has carried (from poem of the sense)
○■ Riding in Vostok for the first time in 1961, [gagarin] went to outer space, but after that it was improved by the boss fork and Soyuz and also Soyuz kept being improved t tm tma respectively
○■ The space shuttle Discove ry readied for a Monday morning launch to rendezvous with the International Space Station that will put more women in orbit at the same time than ever before. As Discovery prepared for lift-off with its crew of seven, including three female astronauts and American Tracy Caldwell Dyson docked at the space station aboard a Soyuz spacecraft with two Russian cosmonauts. As for [supesushiyatorudeisukabari] on the rendezvous of the international space station for launching the Monday morning which puts in place many women in comparison with the track, with simultaneously to preparation preparation and before of 7 crew to whom search includes lift off 3 woman astronauts. As American [toreshikorudouerudaison] riding in the Soyuz space ship of two Russian astronaut, docks to the space station
○■ Unless Soyuz to be strong in the rainy wind when discharging there is no modification of most schedules and as for the commentator as for those which have gone to the Soyuz = track/truck shuttle = car Russian has been compared design philosophy well never changes, when landing [parashiyuuto] of 2 steps opening, when phenomenon inside the rod due to rapid reduction in speed is held down
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