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    • Western languages spoken in places - St. Mary Mother of God holidays: first reading
      la benedicion sacerdotal priest bless the 22 el senor se dirigio a moises y le dijo: Moses went to Lord said to him: 23 diles a aaron ya sus hijos They tell their children Aaron, que cuando bendigan a los israelitas lo hagan de esta manera: Thus says the children of Israel to bless the people: 24 que el senor te bengiga u0026lt;The Lord bless you, y te proteja; as relying charm; 25 que el senor te mire con agrado you will look with favor by the Lord y te muestre su bondad; as you like to show your goodness to you; 26 que el senor te mire con amor to see you and love the Lord with y te conceda
      拉benedicion sacerdotal牧师保佑22埃尔阅兵式本身dirigio 1莫伊塞斯ý报dijo:摩西到主对他说:23 diles 1阿伦亚SUS的hijos“他们告诉他们的孩子亚伦,阙宽bendigan一洛斯israelitas罗黑根德静电喷涂manera:所以说,以色列的孩子们祝福的人:24 阙报阅兵式德bengiga“上帝保佑你,辎德proteja;为依托的魅力; 25阙报阅兵式德泥潭节能阿格拉多看待你会倾向于通过主辎德muestre苏bondad,你要展示你的善良你; 26阙报阅兵式德泥潭节能阿穆尔看到你和爱与y的主德conceda

    • Dispose of Israeli troops used white phosphorus bullets
      israel: 2 idf officers endangered human life in gaza with white phosphorous use - According to a UN report recently submitted to the Israeli government, it comes to using white phosphorus bullets during the attack Israeli troops in Gaza one year ago, 2 Yes, an officer who received a disciplinary
      以色列:2国防军军官在加沙濒危白磷使用人的生命 - 据联合国发表的一份报告,最近向以色列政府,谈到在攻击中使用白磷弹,以色列军队在加沙一年前,2是的,谁收到的人员纪律

    Israel, Reportage, Politics , Music,

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