- Six wounded in Israeli Gaza shelling
http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90777/90854/6897323.html Israeli troops responded with artillery and eight fire ... Israelischen Truppen reagierten mit Artillerie und acht Feuer ...
- Letters: Israel and protests against the wall
This is expected to act as the desire is to encourage Israel to know that treatment with total impunity Se espera que para actuar como el deseo es alentar a Israel a conocer que el tratamiento con total impunidad
- Iran: Leave well alone
http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2010/jan/13/iran-nuclear-scientist-killed-bomb よって、イランの外交部は、教授の死を、米国とイスラエル軍の秘密計画、イランの核開発計画を遅らせるために作業をされたことをお勧めに簡単でしたが、同じように、彼をto attack the leader of the opposition movement in Iran that may be potentially placed on the stage for further defections stop killing them よって、イランの外交部は、教授の死を、米国とイスラエル軍の秘密計画、イランの核開発計画を遅らせるために作業をされたことをお勧めに簡単でしたが、同じように、彼をan den Führer der oppositionellen Bewegung in Iran, die potentiell auf der Bühne für weitere Überlaufen gebracht Angriff abzuwehren, sie zu töten
- Two Palestinians killed in northern Gaza
The Israeli military has been confirmed yet El ejército israelí ha confirmado todavía
- Israeli army confirms killing of one Palestinian in airstrike
http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90777/90854/6861452.html The Israeli army will not tolerate the re-terrorist and rocket attacks against Israel. Die israelische Armee wird nicht dulden, re-Terror-und Raketenangriffe gegen Israel.
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