- * Late boiled rice of yesterday*
http://ameblo.jp/youkosoyouko/entry-10418207974.html After also the chicken frying the meat and the vegetable once, you inserted, a liberal translation Después también del pollo que freía la carne y el vehículo una vez, usted insertó
- Pour une communication multilingue a ete traduit en plusieurs langues presente phrases japonaises.
http://so-ra-i-ro.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-01-17 The ^^ which chicken and [uinna], the cabbage, onion, [zutsukini] and the closing [ji], about [eringi] and the petite tomato ♪♪ with the soup which has good sourness and sweet taste, also the vegetable eats tastily and the [re] increases (as for this whether the taste which also the child likes, a liberal translation Pollo y [uinna], la col, la cebolla, la zanahoria, el cerrado [ji]… a ese, los verdes del agua, el bróculi que intentó insertar -
- Japanese Letter
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/uzura1226/e/51a9a9334053030185b8332a3bd118aa Chicken and [uinna], the cabbage, the onion, the carrot, the closing [ji]… to that, the water greens, the broccoli it tried inserting - Pollo y [uinna], la col, la cebolla, la zanahoria, el cerrado [ji]… a ese, los verdes del agua, el bróculi que intentó insertar -
Tomato Pot, Cooking,