- Late boiled rice
http://itumonobasho.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/12/post-3b65.html The shiitake, the closing [ji], the [jiyaga] potato, the carrot and the pumpkin, onion and [eringi] were inserted Le shiitake, la fermeture [ji], [la pomme de terre de jiyaga], la carotte et le potiron, oignon et [eringi] ont été insérés
- [ribenji]! Tomato pot
http://eritwin.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-02-15 The vegetable, with the potato and the carrot, the onion, the cabbage, the water greens, the broccoli and the mushroom, tried inserting the petite tomato, a liberal translation Le légume, avec la pomme de terre et la carotte, l'oignon, le chou, les verts de l'eau, le broccoli et le champignon, essayés insérer la petite tomate
- The taste [po] it is love, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/chibako0805/entry-10403339694.html The taste [po] of the pork and the tomato it is to fry, the butter soute of the salad and the cabbage of the pumpkin, a liberal translation Le goût [PO] du porc et de la tomate il doit faire frire, le soute de beurre de la salade et le chou du potiron
Tomato Pot, Cooking,