- February 24, 2010 (Wed) 23 tweets
http://ameblo.jp/yhg/entry-10467373889.html # followmejp # okashiposted at 23:57:03 is on the move Followmejp # # okashiposted в 23:57:03 находится в движении
- [Child] childu0026#39;s father (stub)
http://shinmai-touchan.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/01/post-efbd.html # kosodate # papajp and chasing lately and I Kosodate # # papajp и чеканки в последнее время, и я
- [Child] or interaction between the father or father friend
http://shinmai-touchan.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/01/post-6e9a.html # kosodate # papajp and chasing lately and I Kosodate # # papajp и чеканки в последнее время, и я
- 2009-12-31
http://kix.cocolog-nifty.com/itit/2010/01/2009-12-31.html # followmejp 05:35 from twittelator # Followmejp 05:35 От Twittelator
- twitter: Wed, Dec 02 のつぶやき
http://gallery-yellow.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/12/twitter-wed-dec.html us, pay attention # travatar 08:27 нас, обратите внимание # travatar 08:27
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