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○■ 三銃士
○■ The person is good, but o nly his own thing [chiyari] which is not thought
○■ ルイ13世の「♪� ��レールジャ... Also the place where “♪ [hurerujiyatsuka] ♪ [domebu]” of Louis 13 world is sung entering, ♪ Louis's whom it increases voice, it is lovely
○■ You may make more than [p uranshie] the air, scared
○■ イヤイヤ、期待し� ��ますが... The ear ear, expecting, it increases, but
○■ After all, as for differe nce of status not exceeding…
○■ ところが、自然の� ��は、「あっ... While however says, as for the natural wind, “oh” with, it makes comfortable
○■ So, it was good, after [s oware] with the Jonan, to be that much possible slowly,
○■ てか金曜ロードシ� ��ーやばいね... Don't you think? the [te] Friday load show it is dangerous! 5 works being like it broadcasts, if it is possible, we would like to see entirely, (the ^^) as for 3 work among those however you have seen don't you think? however - (the ¯▽¯) the new movie to go to seeing we would like, there is no timing which very goes to the cinema, however (laughing) it was the schedule which goes to the unfairness seeing, after ww which may flow the kana ww which already probably will go to seeing with 1 people the [ru] die with the o land where three gun loyal retainers become the just a little air! We would like to go to view, but - the movie and the favorite the cinema which are seen and are favorite what don't you think? (^o^) it could go to seeing once upon a time, -
○■ Therefore, not only care of night before the applying make-up in the morning ok! To neck [nurinuri
○■ それに受け答えで� ��る余裕はな... There was no room which it receives to that and can answer it is…
○■ As for how to think to th e root of being, “you divide”, = “categorization thought” is, don't you think?
○■ その後も寝付けず� ��時に就寝... After that you sleep and do not attach going to bed at 3 o'clock, a liberal translation
○■ If and also the continuat ion is produced… once upon a time, the ^^ which is delightful and is
○■ さて、観賞後の感� ��ですが... Well, it is thought after the admiring, but, a liberal translation
○■ Now both mind and body re laxation? And it starts from tomorrow, it is the shelf -
○■ これは駅の2番出� ��を出るとす... This is visible when the 2nd exit of the station is left, immediately
○■ As for this it probably m eans that the programs which perhaps can enjoy with just sound are few
○■ これからさらに、� ��テップアッ... From now on furthermore, step-up doing, we would like to make the stage which it is better
○■ The NHK doll play which s tarts from this October it seems that the script of the “new three gun loyal retainers” is managed, but because as for me as for Mitani happiness happiness there is unique sense, the script of the work which excessively is based on historical fact that thinks, whether it is not it is not agreeable, how without
○■ いや、タカラヅカ� ��ってないん... Well, [takarazuka] it does not go, however it is
○■ If the usual but what it is possible not to be able to do, is to call if the usual because it does even to” not doing” you call merit demerits well enough, or how say?
○■ あまりにもあまり� ��も切ないの... It is remainder or excessively ardently not to be, a liberal translation
○■ In “me and falling comp letely the star, and 99 days” it increases
○■ 「ジュンヒョンさ� ��、かっこい... “[jiyunhiyon], it is groovy”, that just you say, a liberal translation
○■ 'After looking at the hol e of [marukobitsuchi]', you saw, it is with excessively it was the parenthesis well to be visible, (laughing) [atosu] in the doll play was design of the man [tsu] [te] feeling which is rough
○■ ¥570
amazon.co.... ¥57 0 amazon.co.jp
○■ Because the movie 'man of steel (man of steel)' the still photography is released is the [yo] ♪ 从 * ∀ * 从 is the just a little darkness [i] scene, it is clear, don't you think? [i] [kedo] '[ameijingu] [supaidaman] (the amazing spider-man)' material feeling being similar to the costume, [pitsuchipichi] of time before the [e] different from the uniform the [ru] the movie 'man of steel (man of steel)' the still photography, a liberal translation
○■ 今日は化け物モー� ��の日で、本当... Today being day of monster mode, was good truly
○■ This time raging, without problem three gun loyal retainers, a liberal translation
Les Trois Mousquetaires,