- It offers Japanese Trend , bandwagons , epidemic and Recent fashion in English.
http://futen.cocolog-nifty.com/futen/2011/07/2011724-215d.html By the way 摩 訶 strange phenomenon happened with the hidden house which designates the antenna of the television as the optical fiber A propósito el fenómeno extraño del 摩訶 sucedió con la casa ocultada que señala la antena de la televisión como la fibra óptica
- It offers Japanese Trend , bandwagons , epidemic and Recent fashion in English.
http://futen.cocolog-nifty.com/futen/2011/07/201173-06c0.html With that, it had coming to the ntt east Japanese optical fiber group Con eso, tenía venir al grupo de fibra óptica japonés del este del ntt
- Business breaking news! (2010/03/07)
http://orznews00.blog63.fc2.com/blog-entry-3172.html Simply, “being free, it was recommended that it can introduce the optical fiber”, installing the net connected equipment in spite, the landlord who concludes credit contract, really, as for being required the payment of large amount cost that it is unjust, the movement which is sued was sequential Simplemente, “estando libre, fue recomendado que puede introducir el de fibra óptica”, instalando el equipo conectado neto en rencor, el propietario que concluye el contrato del crédito, realmente, en cuanto a ser requerido el pago de la gran cantidad costado que sea injusto, el movimiento se demanda que era secuencial
Optical fiber, Internet,