- As for countryside hardship is many, it is
http://rightstuffwrongstuff.air-nifty.com/blog/2011/10/post-4291.html “As for well, we would like to hearing well there is no base station and between the rooter,… with saying in the story of [te] personal computer side,” at all because story did not lead, abandoning, it finished “Quanto para a bem, nós não gostaríamos à audição bem lá somos nenhuma estação base e entre o rooter,… com dizer na história [te] do lado do computador pessoal,” de todo porque a história não conduziu, abandonando, terminou
- Because the shank and the movement are sluggish with model of dangerous negligence., a liberal translation
http://u-tmame.cocolog-nifty.com/u_tmame/2011/08/post-67b6.html Because it is “estimate”, is basis probably to think? Porque é “estimativa”, é a base a pensar provavelmente?
- As for association method of using the net (or less abbreviation)
http://10kan-navi.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/11/post-f220.html Well, to the last the Japanese epilepsy association “as for the nationwide conference of association is something for the member Bem, ao último a associação japonesa da epilepsia “quanto para à conferência de âmbito nacional da associação é algo para o membro
Optical fiber, Internet,