- Support system is strengthened substantially.
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/yukinkonet/e/82c99694a7525dfa96fa17d968440dc2 Because I from former times summer had lived in Karuizawa, it is at the point also the friend such as the second home mainly, a liberal translation Porque I do verão anterior das épocas tinha vivido em Karuizawa, é no ponto igualmente o amigo tal como a casa secundária principalmente
- Japanese weblog
http://invisible.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/02/post-4bc1.html In the system which we made in Kurihara city, power source is guaranteed first from the car battery, a liberal translation No sistema que nós fizemos na cidade de Kurihara, a fonte de energia é garantida primeiramente da bateria de carro
- FLETu0026#39;S Hikari opened! ! !
http://ameblo.jp/tatanpapa/entry-10459230063.html In case of me, because the net has been center of life, some expense thinks that there is no ginger, Em caso de mim, porque a rede foi centro da vida, alguma despesa pensa que não há nenhum gengibre,
Optical fiber, Internet,