- 堅実か挑戦か
- あっぱれっ、イチロー!、復活だっ、真央ちゃん!
http://tani.livedoor.biz/archives/65206700.html In December of last year, at the grand prix final last day in Korea, the [kimu] [yona] player of that Korea as for decorating victory with reversal it is the new place in memory 在12月去年,在盛大prix最后的最后天在韩国,那韩国的[kimu] [yona]球员至于与逆转的装饰的胜利的它是记忆的新的地方
- 悲しいこと
http://ameblo.jp/tom-who/entry-10232617120.html 3a jumping round and round, from her of the time where it controls the grand prix final, we like current her one decisively 3a跳圆和圆,从它控制盛大prix决赛的她时间,我们喜欢潮流她一个果断地
Grand Prix Final, Sport,