- 真央ちゃん たくさんの感動をありがとう
http://ameblo.jp/zoe1979/entry-10245516608.html As the relief impression 'of doing in the face in true middle immediately after the performance ending', has been expressed to that smiling face, you thought and, it came and directed in season and it thought as the kana which is not to feel response rather, a liberal translation Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.
- あっぱれっ、イチロー!、復活だっ、真央ちゃん!
http://tani.livedoor.biz/archives/65206700.html “God got off”,… with, you had commented also that time, but just, the just scene of the “God industry” “Dios consiguió de”,… con, usted había comentado también ese vez, pero apenas, la escena justa de la “industria de dios”
- 悲しいこと
http://ameblo.jp/tom-who/entry-10232617120.html February of next year, your that flower of the Asada player the [pa] [a] ~ [tsu], it believes that you can look at all lovely kind of smiling face which was opened, with [bankuba, a liberal translation Febrero del próximo año, su esa flor del jugador de Asada [PA] [a] el ~ [tsu], cree que usted puede mirar toda la clase encantadora de cara sonriente que fue abierta, con [bankuba
Grand Prix Final, Sport,