- To Nagasaki.
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/kira_haruhina/32947236.html Total destruction of nuclear weapons is not ultimate goal, 核武器的总破坏不是最终目标,
- Peaceful prize
http://hydrangeaceae.cocolog-nifty.com/hydrangea/2009/10/post-0def.html There is a duty which stands in the forefront of total destruction of nuclear weapons motion 有在核武器行动的总破坏的前线,站立的义务
- August 6 date '[ru] world' editorial/“message from [hiroshima] which differs until now”
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/veritas21/e/56c0404e331c91e2f6240d8332141d01 It is nuclear weapon absolute denial, is total destruction of nuclear weapons” 它是核武器绝对否认,是核武器的总破坏”
- Democracy [tsu] [te] what. Sermon quaint four 郎 original bureaucratic analects
http://tokowotome.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/09/post-ee83.html In regard to total destruction of nuclear weapons, cooperation between Japan & Iran in this field is desired 关于核武器的总破坏,在日本之间的这个领域的合作&伊朗渴望
- 全世界に人質を
http://myhome.cururu.jp/sueguwaa11/blog/article/71002863167 When also 5 country in the American-English French dew of permanent member which is nuclear weapon possession country personally, promotes the nuclear disarmament negotiation which is based on npt you sang 当也5是核武器个人时财产国家永久成员的American-English法国露水的国家,促进根据npt您的核裁军交涉唱歌
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