- 菅 The prime minister recognizes moral responsibility as being bombed country, if is, why “force de dissuasion” the empty it does not withdraw
http://my-moriyama-sh.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/08/post-0e5f.html Extinction of the nuclear weapon has become the big flow of the world La extinción del arma nuclear se ha convertido en el flujo grande del mundo
- Fifth luck dragon circle 2/2
http://ningleopi.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/1813347/ Rally of the public opinion for the United States and Soviet Union which continues to develop the nuclear weapon in day kept becoming strong in day La reunión de la opinión pública para los Estados Unidos y la Unión Soviética que continúa desarrollando el arma nuclear en día mantuvo el llegar a ser fuerte día
- Japanese Letter
http://hapipa.cocolog-nifty.com/hapipa/2010/08/post-c520.html Misery of the nuclear weapon, it is not to understand in only the person whom really you experienced Miseria del arma nuclear, no es entender en solamente la persona que usted experimentó realmente
- The Japanese-American secret agreement verification report
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/mks13/e/b5a42f0f87906448f7d133200b2d8df3 As for the boat of the US Navy which stacked the nuclear weapon, the Japanese harbor the doubt which comes and goes freely is thick including Yokosuka En cuanto al barco de la marina de guerra de los E.E.U.U. que apiló el arma nuclear, el puerto japonés la duda que viene y va libremente es grueso incluyendo Yokosuka
- 歴史の本流をつかもう
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/aleido_che_guevara/e/eb6265a5ab33297c45838e555c62d8ca It cannot coexist the nuclear weapon and the mankind No puede coexistir el arma nuclear y la humanidad
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