- From Nagano letter ♪ of support of Olympic summons
http://ameblo.jp/tsp-tada/entry-10519386277.html As for war there is only a foolish line which destroys the reason of the normal human simply Quanto para à guerra há somente uma linha insensata que destrua a razão do ser humano normal simplesmente
- You distinguish motion of nuclear extinction with peace movement. Kind of [inchiki] where adding blast country and being bombed country connect the hand (Hatoyama system) it denies.
http://yamakarashi.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/1196159/ Because war with anywhere and is miserable with anytime, with comparison of number and the quantity, as for the difference of atomic bomb being bombed country it does not come out Porque a guerra com em qualquer lugar e é miserável com a qualquer momento, com comparação do número e da quantidade, quanto para à diferença da bomba atômica ser país bombardeado ele não sai
- If war well, preparation of war it does
http://blog.livedoor.jp/hjm2/archives/51724743.html Method in order to lose war is to remove the cause of war O método a fim perder a guerra é remover a causa da guerra
- The person who August 6th 8:15 you are not forgotten goes out in
http://ameblo.jp/mongol/entry-10611858003.html As for war however it hates, there are no times when the hostile country is hated Quanto para à guerra entretanto não deia, lá é nenhuma vez em que o país hostil é diado
- 原爆
http://ameblo.jp/kyocoblog/entry-10318748386.html As for the scar of heart of the people who lose the family in heart and soul and the war of the people who lose life in the war, Quanto para à cicatriz do coração dos povos que perdem a família no coração e a alma e a guerra dos povos que perdem a vida na guerra,
Contamination country, Politics ,