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    Artistic related words The National Art Center 彫刻 Hokusai Museum Impressionists Hasegawa Tohaku

    • Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
      Assunto para a traducao japonesa.

    • Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
      Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.

    • `style ' [kimu] Hess, it is what, that you bit, the surprise kiss mouth you stopped in [riyu] [shiuon] and “also the viewer was surprised”
      Comentarios sobre este , Japanese talking

    • French worldly painter/[anri] [rivuieru] spreading/displaying
      Influence is received to Ishikawa prefectural fine arts museum [jiyaponizumu], the artist who made the world of the western edition ukiyoe, the reminiscence spreading/displaying which becomes that world first are kind the bold contour and color errand, as for the world where the ukiyoe being accustomed [do], that it is drawn just and, the [hushigi] picture that, carving, the 摺 [ri] it is the European scenery, there was also a wood block in the enormous exhibit where it had gone everything alone, but is, sign of positioning that way of the ukiyoe is cut, not calling “冨 嶽 from start of construction of 36 scene” Eiffel tower of the north 斎 which you can know whether it probably is the production technique which arrives naturally, to complete, ParisUntil it becomes the scenery, you drew, “Eiffel. 36 scene”! Hiroshige “Tokaido Highway 50 tertiary Kanbara (the night of snow)” it makes the one item remember which draws the 佇 [mu] Eiffel tower in the night of quiet snow,

    • The cat [tsu] [te] the ~ which is in the midst of spreading/displaying holding
      With the circle it has become care, whether with gallery [hueisutouhueisu] of Kitiziyouzi's the tree 乃 “the cat [tsu] [te] spreading/displaying” 13 where it is held o'clock at the time of the ~19 Wednesday as for Yamamoto of the day off owner introducing the March alumni association spreading/displaying meeting place to August 30th, below being the one which it receives as for the photograph thank you for this month latter half doing also very polite is Siyouzi's first term raw sculptor Suzuki of June beauty in circle seeing academic society reminiscence spreading/displaying work explanation, work production and the like the person who is done by all means will keep approaching to the return in the school

    • With the Gunma mountain disaster?
      Even if the writer Usui ceremony person of popularity animation “crayon grommet” (with) (Yosihito autonym Usui) (51), while it comes out of the home of Saitama prefecture Haruhibu city becomes the whereabouts unclear, the family having put out search prayer to the Kasuga post on the 16th, according to the same station staff and others which knows whether with “crayon grommet” writer obscurity and the Gunma mountain disaster, Usui 11th morning, “in Gunma prefecture goes to mountain-climbing with returning on the same day”, that you called to the family and left and went out with 1 people, but not to return being night, worried… ■used■vivienne westwood RoppongiHills reminiscence spreading/displaying limited [monoguramutedeibea] ([vuivuianuesutoutsudo] and [bibian])

    • Reminiscence spreading/displaying
      Because today the reminiscence spreading/displaying of the teacher of the picture which also before mizai learned is opened, the observation… the place made connection our field streetcar… simply and from the west our field with walking about 20 minutes clear autumn weather in the eye the person of the multitude could see as for seeing scholar reminiscence spreading/displaying of gregariousness of the cluster-amaryllis of the getting on and off purse rice field the exhibition house and the exhibition which are leaned in the wall of the old private house there being an atmosphere in quiet, settling, in vivid halfway Empire of Korea

    • To ◇Louvre fine arts museum spreading/displaying
      Being attracted to the subtitle where today when the children of the palace of [ruvuru] fine arts museum spreading/displaying beauty are held at the national international fine arts museum which is in the Osaka Nakanoshima is last day, impression such as mother before the form tombstone of the mother whom it has nursed in the angel baby who is used well in sculpture and the like of the pillar of the palace where 200 points are displayed from seven sections of ancient Egypt fine arts ancient Oriental fine arts ancient Greek [etoruria] Roman fine arts picture sculpture fine arts object of craftwork sketch block print which you see and the spirit which you give to the children sorrow three being displayed the classified by theme where deep ones is a large quantity, the fine arts museum of the original design which it could enjoy thisYou just look at the building, in April of the ♪ next year which can be enjoyed, because you can gather the picture of [runowaru] which has kind of this where large reminiscence spreading/displaying of [runowaru] is held in the world necessary it is seeing!

    • May pulling soap and collector
      belief , please visit the following link

    • It went to Niigata with work of the red hat.
      Niigata goes the Tsuchida wheat 僊 which looks at the Tsuchida wheat 僊 which goes to the Niigata prefectural fine arts museum in the return which is the hammer with work of the red hat, habit it is with it is the Sado origin which is read, you think that so reminiscence spreading/displaying was done in Niigata, but is not that most works are exhibited at the enormous quantity, probably will be? First with the Tsubame Sanjo station the swallow has passed through the photograph even with the [pa] dust, but the Sea of Japan side [tsu] [te] person without being, the shank surely Japan is just Tokyo national [tsu] [te] feeling

    • This evening 6:55 in ~SBS PIFF commencement type live program 10/08
      日本語 , for multilingual communication

    • The heaven Ueno which it droops
      kanji , linked pages are Japanese

    • Takashi Murakami at this year latter half Versailles palace private exhibition
      As for the detailed contents where the [jiyanjiyatsuku] [ayagon] curator of the French Versailles palace fine arts museum said that January 6th, Japanese the modern arts house, the reminiscence spreading/displaying of Takashi Murakami ([mu] oak which was seen high) from September 12th this year to December 12th, is opened at the same palace, please view this click

    • [runoaru
      The [runoaru] reminiscence spreading/displaying ~ national new fine arts museum ~ the impression group which continued to draw the beauty of the joy and the life which live, [runoaru] “the [tsu] lever which lives, it is splendid truly, the human is beautiful”, that when it is in her side the just work which is felt, being able to feel at rest truly, saying that heart can be calm, the everyday life where [runoaru], that it is beautiful truly, feels the women unskilled labor every day such as agriculture and the housekeeping, leaves many works me, the [a] [a], as for me, whether who has lived simply in mediocrity mediocrity it is possible to be this - the [tsu] [te] which works,It is beautiful thing what, - the [tsu] [te], the air which can receive courage did and the usual, are the national new fine arts museum and around that, the mid- town and Hills as a building after all are something which has the value which is seen, that you feel

    • Ishii Momoko spreading/displaying
      Ishii Momoko spreading/displaying place: Setagaya literature mansion Tokyo Setagaya Ku south crow mountain 1-10-10 tel03-5374-9111 session: 2010 February 6th (Saturday) ~ April 11th (day) open: 10: 00~18: 00 fees: General 700 Yen “it rides in the Non-chan cloud”, Momoko Ishii which leaves the big achievement to book-reading activity promotion of development and the child of child literature (1947, 1947), “the being attached of the March poult” (1963 and 1963) etc “[pu] of creation and a.a. Milne original bear” of the child literature which is superior and “the releasing of the b. potter original Peter Rabbit” and so on through translation many, (1907 - 2008, 1907-2008), tip year as for Ishii which dies regrettably in young day as a compilation plan person good quality English and child literature, the participation to the introduction and translation of the picture book,After the war you become the first person of the child literature writer including remarkable participation with creative child literature, and, not to be restricted to only writing activity, 1958 (1958) it opens the home in year, as the home library in at this exhibition which becomes after the death first reminiscence spreading/displaying of Momoko's Ishii which is tackled the activity which raises the rich heart of the child by the book personally, it introduces Momoko's Ishii which is very treasure ones in either one of the child and the adults via the work and the invaluable reference, work and the participation in the world of the book of the child widely

    • However it is drowsy
      Just a little and others and others it leaves and Thursday which probably will be solved the air which becomes stale at all warmly completes the arrangement of evening ahead of time and to tetra which is Suzaki in the meeting place where Egaki Sigeo reminiscence spreading/displaying was said to seeing therefore Sigeo's son where Egaki which adapts with iaf is, seeing thoroughly, sees and is not enough if you see, the extent which you see it was cute, it was because it seems that contents of the exhibition change at a time the ♪ 1 week when Egaki inserts the cocoa, the calling which you try probably to commute!! The one which you see calls…!!!!! When so you speak a little at the meeting place, the sun in the cute tail it is at all good space from the office above, while with you being sorry to leave, when to jazz inn new combo to live of monster movie and zanussi five [sato] - with story it does other than iaf, also the new friend where the strange feeling does was possible! (Should call the acquaintance?) It met like [sanematsu] voice is done it was the funny person with [tsu] coming tetra, (∀)! live was good - everyone the one which does is good, various now weekend intention cartridge viewing where even with the well rear end funny so the ♪ 3/5 which being is ash field Keiji goes with dancity!!! Completely if so you said, the chocolate it lifted, but it is, because to think like it is not transmitted it is not conveyed, but it is good? Meeting, the [ru] it does and among those how, it becomes, probably will be, Σ (; ∀) it is good, the varieties from the [ge] [ru] which was done…

    • Book and hyacinth
      Weekend, 'to 伯 spreading/displaying' the schedule pleasure ~ which such as Hasegawa who is in the midst of holding at the national museum goes! While new tide Japanese fine arts library 'Hasegawa et. al 伯' (Shinchosha Company) reading, it enjoys more and more and as for 伯 such as Hasegawa who is in the midst of degree rising, Hidekiti's Toyotomi the painter who participated from Azuchi Momoyama era extending through the Edo age first stage length. The crane pine making young, when dying, producing the barrier picture of the lucky occurrence cloud temple which Hidekiti erects in order to mourn the 菩 stopping that barrier picture which such as Hasegawa the 伯 is, 'at the year when it hits after the death in 400 of 伯, commemorating that, being reminiscence spreading/displaying probably will put out maple figure wall sticking' and 'this year when in the pine also the Akikusa figure folding screen' is displayed in the latest exhibition etc, is, * one two the hyacinth which starts blooming, after that the bud opening one after another, has carried the fragrance whose also this year when it has become the full bloom is good to the room 3 weeks ago

    • And so on 伯
      En japonais , Japanese talking

    • “Ogura playing turtle spreading/displaying” @ Hyogo prefectural fine arts museum
      The picture of the woman and the child who are made becoming lively which does to the reminiscence spreading/displaying of the artist Ogura playing turtle being famous, being simple, when you look at unique expression and conduct etc, it does relieved how without and it has made everyone [shiyakitsu] which the air which becomes even vigorous does, it is with the instant where the pace of the uncle the left is agreeable exactly in the picture of the parent and child and the dog of the big poster board and the parasol which are in the shank entryway? “菩 薩” It is bright, has lived forward to like in all work which is “菩 薩” being like, funny [na

    • <The empress > “伯 spreading/displaying appreciation Tokyo national museum such as Hasegawa” (everyday the newspaper)
      The empress on the 12th, Tokyo national museum (the Tokyo Taito Ku) with is in the midst of holding, “after the death 400 year special spreading/displaying 'Hasegawa et. al 伯'” (sponsorship such as the Mainichi Newspapers and NHK) Friday, 3 hours than the normality extending and day empress of the nighttime exhibition which it opens considering the other attendance to 8 o'clock in the afternoon, to visit this day which is appreciated before the closed 10 minute, national treasure “pinewood figure folding screen (the folding screen)” and so on, this sunset place person who is appreciated being the highest approximately 18,500 person during session, over approximately 30 minutes, 8 o'clock in the afternoonThe same exhibition where also the scene where the people who even at later observe in the work are many, the empress, appreciate the work along with the attendance was seen with large reminiscence spreading/displaying of maximum scale in the history which releases almost all exist on the country which the 伯 draws works such as master and Hasegawa of Momoyama era, (Monday to 22 days when also national treasure 3 case and important cultural assets 27 case are included close in) Chile and the earthquake aftershock of m7.2 (the product sutra newspaper) democracy Fujita one. The Assemblyman, a contribution 7,000,000 Yen statement leak (the Yomiuri Shimbun Company) 09 budget, at each ministry reflection - renovation meeting (current events communication) illegal disturbance, dauntless in “categorization” = estimate request coping = Akamatsu agricultural phase (current events communication) baby buggy 20. Theft with = high-class brand aim resale - suspicion the jobless man arrest Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department (current events communication)

    • Persimmon Motoyuki structure reminiscence spreading/displaying & picture book field picture 11 spreading/displaying
      Persimmon Motoyuki. Reminiscence spreading/displaying & picture book field picture 11 spreading/displaying session: 2010/04/15 (wood) ~2010/04/28 (water) nothing during session 休 10: 00~17: 00 (only Friday at the time of the ~19) the place: Daikyo Cho 31-103f persimmon Motoyuki Ku the fine arts museum 〒160-0015 Tokyo Shinjuku Sato. Reminiscence spreading/displaying (the field picture approximately 40 points the exhibition) persimmon Motoyuki structure (the 1915~1998) as for this reminiscence spreading/displaying, including the appreciation to the persimmon book person who continued to draw the splendid illustration because of the book of the child, as for the exhibition work which is planned by the writer and the publisher, the “cover mother series” (the Gakken education publication) “[chimu] and [taku]” other things (the worldwide cultural corporation) the “please chair” (the [hi] the one child) “being to be full”, “the whale [gu]” (the optical village figure. National language textbook publication) 4f picture book field picture spreading/displaying (the picture book field picture 33 point 11 of writers the exhibition) “the Little outdated [toramu]” Kitami leaf 胡, “the [hu] of the grandfather don't you think?” Kazuaki Yamada, “the rainbow be the stripe well” and the oak which can be formed, “the [za] [bo] it is Kiyouko coming woven Shigeru of the grandfather scratching”, “the fox because, it is the [wa] box” high not to be less crowded, it tries, “questions, saying” Yasusige Murakami, Hiroko “mother Suzuki of the station”, Matsunaga “Star Festival of the fox” 禎 郎, “you can apply, the [ji] it is and mark [a] [me] is the [bo]” Pine forming Mariko, “the [ge] it is round” Hukiko Kanou, “breast Yamamoto ministry three of the [wa] taking”- The pleasure event persimmon Motoyuki fixture item and earth day during original reading talking session due to each writer (on the 17th, on the 18th, on the 24th, 25 days) none of them (as for advance application is necessary from 14 o'clock to 15 o'clock, but there are times when admission is restricted with circumstances of the meeting place)

    • * MUST of this year
      bonjour! 伯 spreading/displaying, such as Hasegawa who starts from Tokyo meeting place you were already viewed? The district it probably is, but the foreign country it probably is, but also there is no interest in 伯 such as the Japanese fine arts and Hasegawa, in any case go! It is large reminiscence spreading/displaying of maximum scale in the history which releases the work of the exhibition of at this special opportunity of the after the death 400 year which is and almost all exist on the country etc 伯, at once you do not have to let escape!! It should go with what kind of expedient, being, Good Heavens! In addition as for the April 10th ~ May 9th Kyoto national museum viewing report afterwards ~ art design section [burogu

    • 'It can go finally [buranri] fine arts museum'
      The case where it does 2 years ago, because the reminiscence spreading/displaying of the designer who is the large fan from time of exhibition 20 year old of Christian [rakurowa], it is splendid the potato it did and, this time, as for those where it goes perhaps unreasonable kana - with 'the heading, remaining 2 hour half of the last day which somehow starts doing to you think [buranri] fine arts museum' dash being flurried from the time when it is plugged, as for those where it turns the fine arts museum is good thing, but this time, just a little seeing as preliminary inspection feeling, has like [ekishibijiyon], being something which, being such soon, the Eiffel tower the is view [re] [ru] the fine arts of area other than Western EuropeBecause also here stores which are the fine arts museum which gathered the item to be splendid, Asia, Africa, Oceania and impression in addition this [ekishibijiyon] 'sex, death and sacrifice' are in the America splendid stores and the exhibition whose sense is good don't you think? saying, that - 'announcement something of you happen to see throughout the city [buranri]' funny so being it has done -, that you watched, last year when it is something of shank Inca age with this exhibition something, “the [wa] which was inserted in the funny main hand -” with is said by the older sister and being shown, this the thick book where you gathered [tsu] temporary “is certainly funny -” that real thing seeingThe [re] [te], blending to the old boy who just a little deep emotion seriously takes the photograph, the [jiyapone] woman photograph 撮 [tsu] [chi] [ya] it was, don't you think? - the [tsu] pretending ignorance which is done the view to which the face by the way, starts buying also the atlas at all lovely as for the person who wants, saying, we show -

    • Vivienne Westwoood
      Это мнение , please visit the following link

    • “You see, [zu] [we] 1978 May No.878 special edition: [kokoshiyuka]/Paris [biennare]/mulberry tree mountain loyal discernment/Koshimizu 漸” (old book)
      * The male be completed this special edition: In the Oscar [kokoshiyuka] other things from the table of contents, centering on the round table talk international spreading/displaying way: Making the most of the Paris [biennare] reminiscence spreading/displaying ([jiyorujiyu] [budaiyu]/needle raw Ichiro/the Takazawa 寅 man/Tsutsumi Seiji), “non subject” mulberry tree mountain loyal discernment 1977 (Hirai Akikazu), small it is clear. 漸 With you talk: The material it becomes extinct through relation (Takahiko Okada) and the like 1978, fine arts publisher page 100, 29.5×22.5cm, the software cover

    • After it is the lunch.
      Comentarios sobre este , for multilingual communication

    • Museum goer 2009-105
      <[vueruna] [panton] spreading/displaying>/Tokyo opera city art gallery/- large correcting/rule of the worldwide round which starts in 12/27 after the death. Reminiscence spreading/displaying passing, 10 years the space age which finally is done in Japan, near future, [huantaji], psychedelic, the plastic, 60 ' s…As for the work of [vueruna] [panton] (1926-1998) of the Denmark origin we represent generally calls craftsman work or the natural impression and the wood etc which “north European design” one line it is worked out the place where pole [heningusen]. You get married with the daughter, serving in the office of [arune] [yakobusen], << the ant chair >> the historical representative work << [panton] which entitles that name which has participated to development chair >> in the epoch-making masterpiece chair latest exhibition of worldwide first plastic co-cured just pan ton world full opening 'is more important color than shape, that' to you try calling, to aim toward the artist originally, now when spatial produce and the installation where you can agree upon also that one by one it advanced to the road to be the architect, are too enormous seeing, considerably, because it is exciting, at that time furthermore it was sensational, don't you think? probably will be, in the exhibition to disperse the shoes, wonderThe space << [huantaji] landscape >> it is the pan ton which adopts the new material which is designed in such a way that you can experience positively, but after all being prejudice to touch there, there being a sexy feeling good curved line the time, in order for there to be a north European mind essential, plus making that you think, fun the framework framework it does the world of the part pan ton and it is pleasant, don't you think? the miniature pan ton chair is attached to the catalog, the [a] which is disgusted and being does not accumulate - after all << [panton] chair >>, whether one it should have,

    • Asuka of day of rain
      impressions , Japanese talking

    • Looking back pine raw Masahiko reminiscence 51 year spreading/displaying - picture industries, - (re-raising up)
      - - Native Iga and the picture especially dearly, the passion and sincere personality of artist pine raw Masahiko who lifts up roadside life of school teaching to creation activity passed after the death 11 year, it is cut even now in the chest of many people, - - day and time March 5th (the gold) - 7 days (day) 10 o'clock in the morning - (last day to 5 o'clock in the afternoon to 4 o'clock in the afternoon) place Ueno industrial hall 2 floor gallery sponsorship pine raw righteousness. Reminiscence spreading/displaying Executive Committee 059-228-7923 (nighttime) making this town house repair which is reminiscence spreading/displaying of the artist and pine raw Masahiko who, resided in Ueno Nisimati before receiving, we helped tidying up, but in the temporary storage space of that picture where truly many pictures that way remain. It comes to the point of with borrowing the pink blue junior high school school building, many which carry all picture Iga city are contributed to small junior high school by the favor of your pine raw person son, but before that “pine raw the righteousness. In the pine raw person and only the volunteer doing the preparation which is directed to the latest reminiscence spreading/displaying which comes to the point of with holding reminiscence spreading/displaying” are appreciation, we wait for the attendance of many everyone

    • 'King 舒 field (one [shiyuuie]) spreading/displaying spatial-temporal naked phase - present forming public plan' @ Tokyo Nihonbashi 髙 island house 6 floor fine arts picture gallery X
      kanji character , original meaning

    • Bed super express* Fuji* Reminiscence spreading/displaying
      The home nearby Kyushu Electric Power Co., Inc. which is infrequent renewal considerably at the branch office 1 floor lobby, bed super express* Fuji* The bosom where reminiscence spreading/displaying is held it forces and also the railroad model is displayed in addition to the photograph, from the operation stop which is to 22 days when also dvd is screened is one year, it is with the shank! As for nearby one please go out by all means

    • Though sexy man Johnny depp
      The American entertainment magazine “people” every year announces in “the sexiest man”, this year as for [jiyoni] where [jiyoni] [detsupu] is chosen coming after in 2003, becomes 2nd election, but past 2 times it has been chosen just blood pit and George [kuruni] the truth, kind of those which obtain the certificate of the “sexy guy”, this person the circumstances which it does not mind to mind (is good, such [toribiyuto] which the celebration before the reminiscence spreading/displaying of the alliance friend [teimu] Barton director which) on the 17th, is started densely promptly at the New York modern fine arts museum becomes[herena] [bonamu] Carter and [dani] [de] [vuito] of Mrs. attendance Barton, surrounding patty Smith and Barton in the event, that you showed the smiling face, it had come out, but… receiving 40 year old middle as usual, sexy it does not become weak with it is young, mono it is like the shank once upon a time it meets at close range with [sutekitsu] -

    • 伯 spreading/displaying such as Hasegawa it went*
      Comentarios sobre este , linked pages are Japanese

    • Guardian Daily podcast: ICM survey gives Tories 11-point lead; plus terrorists target foreigners in Baghdad
      julian glover explains what today's guardian/icm poll means for gordon brown, who hopes an improving economy will lift his party's fortunes.the prime minister flew yesterday to belfast and where power-sharing is in danger of collapse over differences between sinn féin and the democratic unionists. ireland correspondent henry mcdonald explains why police and justice powers are at the centre of the dispute.charlotte higgins describes artist chris ofili's latest work, included in a major retrospective at london's tate britain.iraq correspondent martin chulov tells how he was caught up in yesterday's suicide bomb attacks in baghdad.head teacher ian fenn tells the guardian's martin wainwright how he's fighting extremist ideology in his manchester school and as part of a government initiative to stop hate groups recruiting Young people.and editor alan rusbridger discusses the internet's effects ON journalism.jon dennisphil maynardtim maby As for him who [jiyuriangurovua], the present guardian/as for Brown icm public opinion poll Gordon, recovery yesterday bell fast of business, power source is shared here flying and asking the fact that fortunes.the prime minister of that party is raised, as for the difference of opinion explains the labor union Irish correspondent Henry MaDONALD reason which has the danger of collapse the [shinhuein] party, and between the Democratic party you explain meaning it explains the up-to-date work of chris ofili of the police and the artist who is on the center of administration of justice power dispute.charlotte [higinzu], concerning the method of being included in big reminiscence spreading/displaying with London [teto] britain.iraq correspondent [matein] chulov with [ianhuen] of indication baghdad.head teacher who is involved in the suicide of yesterdayIn the terrorist bombing incident, as for him as for fight of ideology of radical group in the Manchester school, as a portion of initiative of government the instigation group in [mateinuein] indication journalism.jon of the guardian who stops young people.and editor Alan rusbridger collection, concerning the influence of Internet dennisphil maynardtim maby

    • relectura
      Avaliacao de desempenho, e sintese , linked pages are Japanese

    • 「みづゑ 1975年10月 No.847 特集:国吉康雄/ヴンダーリッヒ/デ・クーニング」(古書)
      * The male be completed from this table of contents, the national good fortune Yasuo's work, the [yasuo] [kuniyoshi] = ancestor/founder. Loss nostalgia (village wooden discernment), sweetly the temporary coming (period inside the pond), [uiremu] [de] [kuningu] you can get angry to tell the truth our □ of the world of [pauru] [vundaritsuhi]. The people (Miyahara cheaply spring), [roberuto] [arutoman] = unlimited various [ekurichiyuru] and the world of the sign (the Hyuga open child), Kawahata actual reminiscence spreading/displaying (Nakahara 佑 mediating/helping), the being excited principle = Shinohara possession which becomes panorama. Moving aside to the new work of the man, (mountain stream Akira one). . Love to of planting = “thing” (Joseph [ravu]), the Japanese experimental cinema world which becomes enlivened (Toshio Matsumoto), expression = good fortune of life occupation 阪 Takashi correct drawing method (the Ueda truth), sculpture = of the [jiehueri] chestnut 呪 material “existence” (. Reason discernment), other 1975, fine arts publisher page 109, 29.5×22.5cm, software cover

    • 芸術の秋
      Although this day, the woman of the adult who receives birthday to seem trying intellectually probably to pass, in Ueno “[dari] reminiscence spreading/displaying” even the weekday which does to seeing as for the Ueno park very Saga china city which has been crowded does the [ri], the heaven artist performs Yumi the Beatles and Arai whom the heaven artist of the [ri] foreigner sings, “we would like to return to that day”, while being effective, the crowd of the bird to want and when to look at the blue sky, not be able to say at all, happiness. Feeling “the [a] - living, with just the [ru] roundly is the profit, -” the [tsu] [te] to become feeling, in everyone “thank you!!”With saying, it stopped wanting to turn, (annoyance really doing, increase it is) as for [dari] spreading/displaying rather than thinking, however it had been packed, the fine arts museum of the foreign country the bench every we want putting in place also the Japanese fine arts museum which you appreciate slowly one Japan and China sitting down likely before the picture of the needing, we would like to wait, because the lovely muffler where the night came inside chairman hioking with the present you received it is there was a cow tongue which it has making the birthday present in the acquaintance, “because you became tired, it returns, that -” the cow tongue [tsu] [te] oil where it pulled the chairman who is said and stopped, ate together it is to cover with the shank a little the stomach leaning? Well, it was well tasty, is, - the [te], from this it will be comfortable with the bath and - the hot water accumulates, the bus salt which the calling fragrance which at this time is received does it inserts and the ~ [tsu] and your birthday hurray mother, questions, with it to be, bearing, thank you please improve in even from this the ♪ [pe] being disgusted

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