- It went to Shonan and the aquarium.
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/mito_ton/65371001.html It is story of yesterday, but because the 鵠 swamp of Shonan immediately side (the [ku] [ge] [nu] [ma]) there was a volunteer of rubbish cleaning in the seashore, the father Toshi the person and that child of the friend of the father and it participated together, a liberal translation É história de ontem, mas porque havia um voluntário da limpeza dos desperdícios no seashore do pântano do 鵠 ([ku] [ge] [NU] [miliampère]) de Shonan do lado imediatamente, o pai Toshi a pessoa e essa criança do amigo do pai e do ele participou junto
- Kansai person my [tsu]!!
http://ameblo.jp/waikikibanyan/entry-10325454592.html Yesterday on the first, taking mother and communication of master Ontem no primeiro, tomando a mãe e a comunicação do mestre
- It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.
http://ameblo.jp/hiroyuki/entry-10640786252.html Yesterday that it will participate in the Shonan marathon, is to go to the 鵠 swamp, but in order to be too hot, the conference had become the discontinuance, a liberal translation Ontem que participará na maratona de Shonan, é ir ao pântano do 鵠, mas a fim estar demasiado quente, a conferência tinha-se transformado a interrupção
- 8月9日の波(なんと殆どのエリア△、○も!)
http://ameblo.jp/yogashonan-hiromi-happy/entry-10317687013.html It is [ribenji] of yesterday, but Realiza-se [ribenji] de ontem, mas
kugenuma, Locality,