- 2011 Day37 [hiza] - [momo
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/w37388/62316151.html Because today did not carry the digital camera, the no photo, a liberal translation Porque hoje não carreg a câmara digital, a foto do No.
- At Kawasaki station
http://ameblo.jp/shiosakagen/entry-11041817400.html Today Kawasaki -> 鵠 swamp seashore Hoje Kawasaki - > seashore do pântano do 鵠
- It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.
http://blog.livedoor.jp/sotomayor/archives/51764903.html Today, truth to continue to everyone and yesterday of lr, although mah-jongg the [tsu] [te] which probably will be done you call, because yesterday similar face was not even, there is no mah-jongg with Tetsu man = all-night vigil and the [te], with Tetsu man = all-night vigil becomes cartoon Hoje, a verdade a continuar a todos e ontem da LR, embora o mah-jongg [tsu] [te] que lhe seja feito que provavelmente a chamada, porque ontem a cara similar não era uniforme, lá não é nenhum mah-jongg com homem de Tetsu = vigília all-night e [te], com homem de Tetsu = vigília all-night transformam-se desenhos animados
- 新規開拓
http://hi-sax.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/08/post-e301.html Today repair of love machine, a liberal translation Hoje reparo da máquina do amor
kugenuma, Locality,