- AKB48 it is the [ke] it is the way of fight of conference analysis 4 general condition and selection group (the general election analysis lighter/writer), a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/tedpapa/e/e9809dc5941be25ca7f9708107e0fbf8 Kawanishi Satoshi beauty (16) selection entering (9 - 16 rank) victory name [chi] 12,345 vs negative name [chi] 123,450 Kawanishi Satoshi beauty b…… vs à win by default……… 2 game ○ Kawanishi Satoshi beauty b [gu]… vs à Nonaka Misato k [chi]… 3 game ○ Fujie [re] being k pas… vs à Kawanishi Satoshi beauty b [gu]… [besu] 16, a liberal translation Kawanishi Satoshi Siegname der Vorwähler der Schönheit (16) hereinkommender (Rang 9 - 16) [Chi] 12.345 gegen negative Schönheit b des Namens [Chi] 123.450 Kawanishi Satoshi ...... gegen à Gewinn durch Rückstellung ......... 2 Spiel ○ Kawanishi Satoshi Schönheit b [Gu]… gegen à Nonaka Misato k [Chi]… 3 Spiel ○ Fujie [bezüglich] seiend kpas… gegen à Kawanishi Satoshi Schönheit b [Gu]… [besu] 16
- * Goddess' performance of February 28th AKB [chi] 48 team B5th 'theater*
http://agnesenga.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2011-03-05 Sub- Mina possession bloom Sato beauty Masuda Satoshi Kawanishi Sub- Minabesitzblüte Sato-Schönheit Masuda Satoshi Kawanishi
http://ameblo.jp/hiroshi712/entry-10868424449.html Kawanishi Satoshi beauty Kasiwagi Yuki Kitahara village English small forest beauty fruit Sato being completed [re] Masuda possession bloom Miyazaki Miho Watanabe flax friend Kawanishi Satoshi Schönheit Kasiwagi Yuki Kitahara Schönheitsfrucht Sato des Dorfs englische kleine Wald, derabgeschlossener ist [bezüglich] Flachsfreund Masuda Besitzblüte Miyazaki-Miho Watanabe
- AKB104 選抜メンバー組閣祭り in 日本武道館 2日目(夜)
http://ameblo.jp/tomomi-love/entry-10326976545.html Also Kawanishi Satoshi beauty” customer “o” to see the ~, in the audience gratitude Auch Kawanishi Satoshi Schönheits“ Kunde „O“, zum des ~, in der Publikumsdankbarkeit zu sehen
kitahara rie, Entertainment,