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○■ その血栓が次第に きくなり、狭... The thrombus to become large gradually, strangulation coming and/or blocking, it is the case that it develops into those such as the myocardial blockage and the brain blockage, a liberal translation
○■ これも身体にいい 材です!... It is the food where this is good to the body!
○■ This thrombus coming off, if it flies to the heart the myocardial blockage, it flies to the brain, if the brain blockage, it flies to the lung, it is the case that it becomes the lung blockage, a liberal translation
○■ この病期は全身に んが広がって... Because this illness period is in a state where the cancer is spreading to the entire body, there is no meaning in taking the breast with operation
○■ いずれにしても治 には長期間を... In any case vision which requires the long period of time for remedy, has become one time [wa] [ru] [ku], in many cases is the view that it is not recovered excessively,, a liberal translation
○■ 脳血管障害(疾患 全般にそう... Brain blood vessel obstacle (the disease) so is in whole, but regarding the brain blockage it emerges suddenly, from several minutes condition advances quickly in several hours
○■ 先生はそんなに神 質になるこ... As for the teacher there are no times when so it becomes nervousness, if the extent which just a little is forgotten calling all right, because the [ru] the mother like the air becomes easy, a liberal translation
○■ 今回は農業祭とい しょで大に... This time the agricultural festival question [tsu] it does, with the [yo] the large crowd
○■ Now the medicine which me lts the thrombus being guided the improvement of the drop and life habit, after as for 2 and 3 weeks, inhaling with hospitalization
○■ 主治医の先生は今 は当番では... As for the teacher of the family doctor today it is not duty, it seems, but… looking at time, it came to medical examination
○■ ちなみに父ちゃん 息子は肉と... By the way, the father and the son buying the meat and the beer, returning, rose with the burning meat, it seems
○■ Therefore as for the midd le to advanced age like us, the bath of the [me] which is painted a little in health maintenance is to call with the shank, a liberal translation
○■ そうそう! 結構痛 いんです♪... So so! It is painful well enough, it is the ♪ [tsu] [te] which is saying, when you push, therefore just it is painful, separately the pushing if it is not, living in the good story, being troubled how it is not, is, a liberal translation
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