- Takarazuka commemoration expectation
http://hiro-d.cocolog-nifty.com/uma/2011/06/post-7db0.html Seeing, that the latest distance so the pride, you expect Viendo, eso la última distancia así que el orgullo, usted espera
- “Emperor prize spring” expectation
http://blog.livedoor.jp/alpachino/archives/52008885.html The catching of the engine is slow, but if you chase, because the extent which is chased it is the type which extends, you come to terms and with growth of the surface, distance there is no problem, a liberal translation La cogida del motor es lenta, pero si usted persigue, porque el grado que se persigue le es el tipo que extiende, usted viene a los términos y con el crecimiento de la superficie, la distancia allí no es ninguÌn problema
- This week horseman horseback riding
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/sankyo_1977/e/18d821518a10657e61dcf62b397d1f83 This time, it becomes that distance shortens to 1200m, but to go, because the [tsu] [pu] [ri] is the so bad horse, worry it does not enter Esta vez, se convierte en que la distancia se acorta hasta el 1200m, pero ir, porque [tsu] [PU] [ri] es el caballo tan malo, preocúpese lo no entra
Tenno Sho Spring, Gamble,