- chottoshita ninjoubanashi
http://ameblo.jp/ooki2-party/entry-10815891633.html () Ono Megumi of the original member 奈 san and 峯 bank everyone seeing san challenging, it probably will do, even with akb48 is Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.
- weblog title
http://ameblo.jp/akb48-holic/entry-10307183402.html As for akb48 Ono Megumi 奈 [huasutotoreka] here recommendation!
point1~ “you obtain and the [re] [pi] [yo] are” as for [toreka] to enjoy as for the fully loaded ~ rare card completeness! It encloses also the w [reakado] masterpiece! “Furthermore swimming wear which designates the swimming wear card as 1 “all” it appears!! Intense rare, you are not wrong!!!, a liberal translation Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.
- Japanese talking
http://ameblo.jp/fuurinnkazann-9107/entry-10555531321.html akb and ske, as for selection general election of each research student 1 votes you voted to the Ono Megumi 奈 of the team k post of akb which is the God recommending, a liberal translation akb и ske, как для всеобщие выбор выбора каждое вотумов студента исследования 1 вы проголосовали к 奈 Ono Megumi столба команды k akb которое Бог рекомендуя
- Ono Megumi 奈 special interview [1] photograph collection &DVD '[kira]* [kira]'
http://ameblo.jp/ageakb48/entry-10282811847.html The Ono Megumi which is active as popularity member of akb48 team k the thing of up-to-date dvd, thing of recent work and that regarding akb48 were inferred 奈 Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.
Ono Erena, Entertainment,