- Otazufiorella
http://twitter.com/Otazufiorella @DaniMelgarejo ajaja sep espero que cuando vengas a casa lo hagas.-
- けんぷファー 第7話「Einladen~招かれざる客たち~」
http://rain-privatediary.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/11/7einladen-5303.html [natsuru] which comes to the point of going to play in the house of the maple, according to expectation you accompany also crimson sound and the drop, a liberal translation [natsuru] que vem ao ponto de ir jogar na casa do bordo, de acordo com a expectativa você acompanha igualmente o som carmesim e a gota
- けんぷファー 第9話「Falle ~ ひと夏の経験~」
http://ameblo.jp/norarin-house/entry-10403394929.html Although you call the pouring gold of the maple, you become aware with the way, fainting brainwashing [natsuru], end (^_^;) … Huh the [chi] of large good fight it was and to tbs animation it was the scene Embora você chame o ouro de derramamento do bordo, você torna-se ciente com a maneira, brainwashing de desmaio [natsuru], extremidade (o ^_^;) … Huh [qui] da grande boa luta era e à animação dos tbs era a cena
- 『けんぷファー』第11話
http://moon12.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2009-12-11 The maple it becomes to be hostile, but simultaneous fighting to [natsuru], you say, Bordo ele torna-se para ser hostil, mas simultâneo luta [natsuru], você diz,
- けんぷファー 第4話「戦う乙女たち」
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/sweet-lovely/e/c73560563e2a17034387ed69af305baa Being able to meet to [natsuru] the maple, large deep emotion Sendo capaz de encontrar [o natsuru] o bordo, grande emoção profunda
Kampfer, Anime,