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○■ If the [tsu] [te] which d esignates the 爽 child as Noto you say however it goes to seeing without fail! Kazahaya, how it was completed, w Tokyo magnitude 8.0 and it re-broadcasts, or it is
○■ However it became suddenl y cold, something hot… [tamo]… the [do] just it is they are multi hobby what, (; ゜д゜) Present renewal November 17th (the fire) you deliver to bleach 246th story you and episode .7 November 18th (the water) [inazumairebun] 59th story you awaken and start thing that seven…
○■ Introductory remark (work /televising picture quality) of appraisal *: Whether permanent standing matter a: In digital broadcast suitable high picture quality ○: Videotaping, the intention b of leaving: Resolution is low, but relative the high picture quality △: However it videotapes, in the future undecided c: It is low picture quality of analog broadcast level: When you see, you turn off: Not to appraise with circumstances?: Still because it is opening, in the midst of examination
○■ Appraisal title thought? As for a like Soviet [ra] no [to] (#1) town how seeing, but the foreign country as for the currency circle?
If the △ bleach (#252) white 哉 has consulted someone, quick…
* To deliver to a you (#13) it was funny highest
○■ 20100105mob “human carp ” [1/16-17 plug [in reply to ninomy] 22:53 [b!] Happy animated picture (rc2) - eye mass 4 scene first story is the note sentence of the member who 'is picked up' magazine and the [te] [wi] which hits it is 發. 濟
○■ When 'you deliver to you and' read chest queue/cue = (the *´∀ `*) ⇒ [nkiyunkiyun] doing, the [ma] [u] and the [ro] after all the cartoon being less crowded
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