- Resident of month, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/sherbet24/e/e8958c72af4017a2602bf16268fd2500 About such a thing without knowing Au sujet d'une telle chose sans savoir
- The blue whose [ooinunohuguri] is faint and, color fall the small rose, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/p_sardine/e/37ae528d4934cc261f37a9c95adabfb3 But such a everyday,… Mais des tels journaliers,…
- スペシャルイベント『ぼくたちの わたしたちの 青い花』
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/raremetal92/e/b83795f2d22ecb057a05caa9a0d3b4b2 - Christmas eve of this year, giving phosphorus and love phosphorus do the party chummily together, it seems, is? ...... The [tsu] [te] [yu] -, such 'blue flower' main part the staff [tsu] [te] which the pickup does the question which does not have many relationships specially, the [do] -!? - Le réveillon de Noël de cette année, donnant le phosphore et le phosphore d'amour font la partie amicalement ensemble, il semble, est ? ...... [Tsu] [te] [yu] -, une telle pièce principale « de fleur bleue » le personnel [tsu] [le te] qui la collecte fait la question qui n'a pas beaucoup de rapports particulièrement, [faites] - ! ?
Aoi Hana, Anime, Manga,