- The night you open the flower, a liberal translation
http://umegaemochi.tea-nifty.com/blog/2011/07/post-d76a.html Among such, with the moonflower blooms finally from the question Entre tales, con el moonflower florece finalmente de la pregunta
- To [navuaru] it converts!, a liberal translation
http://takamine.blog.shinobi.jp/Entry/773/ Favorite speech of the person among such and during recent times is title El discurso preferido de la persona entre tal y durante épocas recientes es título
- In end of the world, a liberal translation
http://mblg.tv/misa3969/entry/373/ Such a today is the test, it weakens, overfull of weakening <- Tal hoy es la prueba, él se debilita, overfull del debilitamiento
- However the line drawing you completed, such a thing how it is to call is!
http://blog.livedoor.jp/thenoob/archives/50830387.html When it is such, the [a] the child enters into the second-hand book house which is in the way back Cuando es tal, [a] el niño entra en la casa del libro de segunda mano que está de la manera detrás
- 青い花4巻
http://blog.livedoor.jp/umi2004/archives/52343652.html Such a [a] - calling substituting, is, but vigorous new [kiyara] which is similar came out the [a] - Tal a [a] - llamando substituir, es, pero nuevo vigoroso [kiyara] que es similar salió [a] -
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