- Cherry tree Namiki of eight pillars
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/yappaumihaiiyone/e/f09478884359253418809eaec8adbc5f Because with special care is, it tried walking according to the cherry tree in the work return Porque com cuidado especial é, ele passeio experimentado de acordo com a árvore de cereja no retorno do trabalho
- Ten thousand light mountains
http://76877222.at.webry.info/201204/article_2.html Because with special care is, it passes by the grounds of the ellipse temple Porque com cuidado especial é, passa pelas terras do templo da elipse
- Cherry tree front, the Hokkaido entering*
http://ameblo.jp/ydt1131/entry-10874692457.html Because with special care is, the kana ~ and the various items of information which probably will go even with Hanami drive are gathered Porque com cuidado especial é, o ~ do kana e os vários artigos de informação que provavelmente irã0 mesmo com movimentação de Hanami são recolhidos
- It goes to the drive of the fall.
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/pico_pin/e/164657b384d9eb00ddab7d9260cfeba5 With special care, while in drive, tasting fear, it will be nervously, but, a liberal translation Com cuidado especial, quando na movimentação, provando o medo, será nervosa, mas
Cherry trees, Locality,