- Rich cutting*
http://ameblo.jp/kitty-8686/entry-10837661451.html The Furano butter God which is [potechi] favorite what of rich cutting of [koikeya] to wait, whether because [karamuchiyo] of rich cutting was 99 Yen, when it tries buying, the [umaihama] [tsu] [te] not eating in the snack which it increases, the Bali Bali eating from morning, [ru] w sometimes morning Mack we would like to do [guridoru] we would like to eat Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- It is quick, the noon
http://ameblo.jp/kaikaiaya/entry-10846724762.html Morning Mack which the pancake would like to eat Morgen Mack, den der Pfannkuchen essen möchte
- Morning Mack.
http://ameblo.jp/niihara-kanachi/entry-10712411957.html When the Mack [tsu] [te] eating, about half year you do not eat, but it isWhen, one time you eat, becoming [kuse], you ate with continuation and the [chi] [ya] bore don't you think?! Mack it went back and forth instantaneously had been at 5 where morning Mack would like to eat very much o'clock (laughing) [tsu] coming earthquake oh the seed ~ (the *_*) we feared, it is there is an errand which telephones at the time of the ~9, but it is, the kana ~ which will sleep it became drowsy Wenn essen das Mack [tsu] [te] essend, über halbes Jahr Sie nicht, aber es isWhen, aß einmal, das werden Sie essen und [kuse], Sie, mit Fortsetzung und [Chi] [ya] gebohrt nicht denken Sie?! Mack, das es hin und her blitzschnell ging, war bei 5 gewesen, wo Morgen Mack Uhr (Lachen) sehr viel essen möchte [tsu,], kommendes Erdbeben oh das Samen ~ (das *_*) wir uns fürchteten, es, ist dort ist ein Botengang, der zu der Zeit der ~9 telefoniert, aber er ist, das kana ~, das es wurde schläfrig schläft
- Water, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/kitty-8686/entry-10840588416.html The mineral water, there is a certain place, don't you think? it is! Whether from several days ago which you find, yesterday which the Calais noodles would like to eat very much the genius who was made the extent which is thought bear after a long time applies morning Mack the kana which will be done, a liberal translation Das Mineralwasser, gibt es einen bestimmten Platz, nicht Sie denken? er ist! Ob einigen Tagen, vor die Sie von, gestern finden, das die Calais-Nudeln möchten, dass sehr viel das Genie isst, das der Umfang gebildet wurde, der gedachter Bär ist, nachdem eine lange Zeit Morgen Mack das kana anwendet, das getan wird
- Morning Mack, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/atelier-harmony/entry-10741170332.html The return which sends the daughter to the road race meeting place, expecting what, it was attached, already the alone daughter…Morning Mack* Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- opinion piece , evaluation / appreciation , suggestions, discussion, debate, issues, reviews, thoughts, feedback,
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/marine-910-moon/e/8ac6217824443369d9f4b9ee598d6fca The cartridge - - - you eat Mack, however it is, morning Mack eats also one time and, callous not grinding [te] one time is eating, thinks as like is Die Patrone - - - Sie essen Mack, gleichwohl es ist, Morgen Mack essen auch einmal und, verhärtet [te] einmal, nicht, reibend essen, denken, wie wie ist
morning Mack , Food And Drinks ,