- Otitis media, a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/makey7233/36398648.html Becoming vigorously large, it increases Devenant vigoureusement grand, il augmente
- The bottom of Yuuzi becomes swollen, a liberal translation
http://mukku.cocolog-nifty.com/mukkus_sweet_home/2011/11/post-6f0c.html Because you play vigorously, it is all right with it is to think, but… Puisque vous jouez vigoureusement, il est tout exact avec lui est de penser, mais…
- More and more it is season arrival
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/hy7700/e/14d144808ea000ab05ff6fad86e9b21f?fm=rss The [po] [chi] it is funny in vigorous Shizuoka prefecture on Tokai center [pochi] Japanese [burogu] village, a liberal translation [PO] [chi] il est drôle en préfecture de Shizuoka vigoureuse sur le village japonais de centre de Tokai [pochi] [burogu
- Merry Christmas 2011!!
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/no-war_1_2005/e/84454a0d5d80ac8a6081b7998ceeec4c?fm=rss We are brought up vigorously., a liberal translation Nous sommes élevés vigoureusement.
Vaccination, Reportage, Health,