- It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.
http://blog.livedoor.jp/cotogoto/archives/51797228.html Just a little (it became greeting which) is rather slow, a liberal translation Apenas um pouco (consideravelmente) transformou-se o cumprimento que é lento
- The practice participant was 6.
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/yjhys5/e/c67abbdc34c7cf0b99df7190a6afef63 It is the feeling where the just a little participants are few É o sentimento onde apenas participantes pequenos é pouco
- And the [tsu] [chi] [ya] it was, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/miniusa-black/e/8c2355496a8c51948eae369b28406053 Just a little, being serious, it made the [mukatsu] [tsu] and the [chi] [ya] was, a liberal translation Apenas um pouco, sendo sério, fêz [o mukatsu] [tsu] e [qui] [ya] era
- The way of recent growth
http://tomijun.at.webry.info/201110/article_10.html It became just a little chat Transformou-se apenas um bate-papo pequeno
Vaccination, Reportage, Health,