- The [ji] [yo] ~ which is the [ke, a liberal translation
http://95163655.at.webry.info/201112/article_2.html “The [ji] [yo] which is the [ke] -” is, a liberal translation “[ji] [yo]是[ke] -”是
- This childcare diary of leash
http://d.hatena.ne.jp/tamago-ayako/20111113 Because you pass ever since September chicken pox, heat or cold without when condition vaccination is struck well, at each time as expected every week it goes to pediatrics injection…With the [tsu] lever, the next woman does not do “the [chi] [yu] [u] plain gauze? … Ear…!”When with dispersing the clothes from, it is cautious, “the [chi] [yu] [u] plain gauze does not do to before the injecting -! [chi] [yu] [u] plain gauze ear -!”With hiding in shape, it increased…, a liberal translation 由于您自9月水痘、热或者寒冷通过,不用,当情况接种很好时被触击,向每次正如所料每星期扑小儿科射入…与[tsu]杠杆,下名妇女是否不做“[凯爱] [yu] [u]简单的纱? …耳朵…! ”,当与分散衣裳从,它是谨慎的, “[凯爱] [yu] [u]简单的纱不做对在注射之前-! [凯爱] [yu] [u]简单的纱耳朵-! ”与掩藏在形状,它增加了…
- Influenza vaccination
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/nskknanki/e/fe2aea15a015101cb155ddacec146e3d “Thank you, -!” With greeting to the teacher, it had been about probably to return quickly, a liberal translation “谢谢, -!” 招呼对老师,它是大概快返回
- It is lovely, however it is weak to [chiyan] densely, -, a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/yokojiyuri/64401062.html With your calling weather shank - 您叫的天气小腿-
Vaccination, Reportage, Health,