- Strange dream.
http://blog.livedoor.jp/tkc092/archives/1729581.html So, when it does, in dream there being (perhaps) the gold binding, the [ru] you dream, Ainsi, quand il fait, dans le rêve étant là (peut-être) l'attache d'or, [RU] vous rêvez,
- Influenza vaccination
http://ikehouse.cocolog-nifty.com/freetalk/2011/11/post-91d5.html So when it does, with the shank [e], it is the enormous person Ainsi quand il fait, avec la jambe [e], c'est l'énorme personne
- More and more it is season arrival
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/hy7700/e/14d144808ea000ab05ff6fad86e9b21f?fm=rss And, with great high bill Et, avec la grande facture élevée
- Injection, a liberal translation
http://2006take4.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/11/post-bf76.html And, today concert of nursery school of son Et, aujourd'hui concert d'école maternelle de fils
- [inhureenza] insertion, a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/chngamba/60924449.html And as for patient, everyone vaccination, a liberal translation Et quant au patient, chacun vaccination
Vaccination, Reportage, Health,