- Don't you think? very 07 neck 'one which the [chi] quickly are shaken to be visible, as for opening in coming the [ke] [ri]', a liberal translation
http://28903894.at.webry.info/201111/article_20.html In the serious game, the desk drinking the saliva unnoticed, hard it had observed, a liberal translation Dans le jeu sérieux, le bureau buvant la salive inaperçue, dur il avait observé
- It protects, â it escapes
http://ameblo.jp/queen-of-toshimaen/entry-10480720445.html When knowing the background, it is what, the chest was struck enormously, a liberal translation En connaissant le fond, il est ce qui, le coffre a été frappé énormément
- 03 necks which the [chi] quickly are shaken 'it touches and others going', a liberal translation
http://28903894.at.webry.info/201110/article_24.html That time, new cried Cette fois, nouveau pleuré
- 『遠回りが近道』~【1266】
http://01734176.at.webry.info/200904/article_4.html But, this time that bustle of the grounds will be avoided, Inariyama's ridge it descended, it designated the descent as to get off in Touhukuzi's one, a liberal translation Mais, cette fois que le mouvement des raisons sera évité, l'arête d'Inariyama qu'elle est descendue, il a indiqué la descente quant à obtiennent au loin dans Touhukuzi un
Chihayafuru , Manga,